I teach mathematics at university and research educational practice. I have held various voluntary roles, including as Vice President of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Editor of MSOR Connections and Deputy Chair of the group writing the 2023 version of the Quality Assurance Agengy Subject Benchmark Statement for Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research. There are lists of things I've done below. You can also get lists of publications, talks and maths communication activities.
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Current employment
I have worked at Sheffield Hallam University since 2015 (current role: Senior Lecturer in Mathematics).
Current committee membership and other roles
Committee member, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Yorkshire Branch, 2024-present.
Outreach Activity Lead, Mathematics, School of Computing and Digital Technologies, Sheffield Hallam University, 2024-present.
Member, Researcher Expert Panel, Observatory for Mathematical Education, University of Nottingham, 2024-present.
Research & Innovation Mentor, Department of Computing, Sheffield Hallam University, 2024-present.
Chair, Mathematical Gazetteer of the British Isles Working Group, British Society for the History of Mathematics, 2023-present.
History in Mathematics Education Lecturer, British Society for the History of Mathematics, 2023-present.
Steering Committee Member, MathsJam international recreational mathematics network, 2021-present.
Developer/maintainer, LaTeX packages (nimsticks, hexboard and customdice), 2020-present.
Editor, blog, 2012-present.
Editorial activity
Journal editor
Academic Editor, PLOS ONE, 2022-24.
Editor, MSOR Connections, 2014-24.
Guest editor, MSOR Connections special issue on 'Mathematical Sciences HE Curriculum Innovation', 2011.
Editorial board membership
Associate Editor, Teaching Mathematics & its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA, 2021-25.
Editorial board, Mathematics Today, 2020-23.
Editorial board/Communications Editor, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2019-21.
Conference editorial work
Co-editor, Proceedings of CETL-MSOR Conference 2012, 2012.
One-off publication editorial work
Co-editor, Mathematics Engagement Case Studies, 2023.
Co-editor, Employability development for HE mathematics and statistics: case studies of successful practice, 2017.
Editor, Summary of work in mathematical sciences HE curriculum innovation, 2012.
Co-editor, Employer Engagement in Undergraduate Mathematics, 2012.
Co-editor, Good Practice on Inclusive Curricula in the Mathematical Sciences, 2012.
Editor, Media Enhanced Teaching and Learning: case studies and evidence of effective use, 2012.
Co-editor, Maths Arcade: stretching and supporting mathematical thinking, 2012.
Editor, Further Work Developing Graduate Skills in HE Mathematics Programmes, 2012.
Editor, HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit, 2011.
Journal and conference reviewing activity
View my verified peer reviews at Web of Science.
Journal reviewing
72 reviews for 17 journals since 2015:
Reviewer, Journal of Humanistic Mathematics (The Claremont Colleges Library), 2 reviews, 2019-25.
Reviewer, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology (Taylor & Francis), 13 reviews, 2018-25.
Reviewer, Teaching Mathematics & its Applications (Oxford University Press), 20 reviews, 2015-25.
Reviewer, ACM Journal on Responsible Computing (Association for Computing Machinery), 1 review, 2024.
Reviewer, International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (Springer), 6 reviews, 2020-23.
Reviewer, Mathematics Today (Institute of Mathematics and its Applications), 1 review, 2023.
Reviewer, PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies (Taylor & Francis), 1 review, 2022.
Reviewer, International Journal of Science Education, Part B: Communication and Public Engagement (Taylor & Francis), 3 reviews, 2021-22.
Reviewer, PLOS ONE (PLOS), 3 reviews, 2022.
Reviewer, Journal of Further and Higher Education (Taylor & Francis), 2 reviews, 2022.
Reviewer, Journal of International Development (Wiley), 2 reviews, 2021-22.
Reviewer, Mathematical Thinking and Learning (Taylor & Francis), 2 reviews, 2021-22.
Reviewer, British Journal for the History of Mathematics (Taylor & Francis), 1 review, 2021.
Reviewer, MSOR Connections (Sigma Network/University of Greenwich), 9 reviews, 2015-21.
Reviewer, Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning (Emerald Publishing), 3 reviews, 2019-20.
Reviewer, Royal Society Open Science (Royal Society), 2 reviews, 2018.
Reviewer, Practitioner Research in Higher Education (University of Cumbria), 1 review, 2018.
Conference committees
Organising Committee member, 'Recreational Mathematics and its History: In memory of David Singmaster', British Society for the History of Mathematics, 2024.
Organising Committee member, 'Talking Maths in Public: A maths communication conference', Newcastle University, 2023.
Organising Committee member, 'E-Assessment in Mathematical Sciences', Newcastle University, 2023.
Programme Committee member, 'International Conference on Advances in STEM Education 2019', The Education University of Hong Kong, 2019.
Scientific Committee member, 'Mathematics Education beyond 16: Pathways and Transitions' conference, University of Birmingham, 2015-17.
Programme Committee member, 'International Conference on Barriers and Enablers to Learning Maths' conference, University of Glasgow, 2014-15.
Conference proceedings reviewing
Reviewer, British Congress of Mathematics Education, University of Warwick, 2018.
Conference abstract reviewing
Reviewer, CETL-MSOR Conference, University of Limerick, 2024.
Reviewer, UCU Equality Research Conference 2024, University of Manchester, 2024.
Reviewer, CETL-MSOR Conference, Cardiff University, 2023.
Reviewer, CETL-MSOR Conference, Coventry University, 2021.
Reviewer, CETL-MSOR Conference, Dublin City University, 2019.
Reviewer, CETL-MSOR Conference, University of Glasgow, 2018.
Reviewer, Learning & Teaching Conference 'Student Success - from conversation to transformation', Sheffield Hallam University, 2018.
Reviewer, RAISE Conference 2018 'Working better together: collaborations in student engagement', Sheffield Hallam University, 2018.
Reviewer, Learning & Teaching Conference 'The Quality Paradox: Creativity and Compliance in a TEF World', Sheffield Hallam University, 2017.
Reviewer, 'Mathematics Education beyond 16: Pathways and Transitions' conference, University of Birmingham, 2015-17.
Reviewer, 'International Conference on Barriers and Enablers to Learning Maths' conference, University of Glasgow, 2014-15.
External quality assurance reviewing activity
External Examiner, BSc Mathematics and BSc Computing and Mathematical Sciences, University of Derby, 2023-present.
External Assessor, new module development (computational applied mathematics), Open University, 2023-24.
External Assessor, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Programme Accreditation Scheme, University of Greenwich (BSc/MMath Mathematics, including in combination with Business, Economics and Computer Science, BSc Financial Mathematics, BSc Statistics and Data Analytics, BSc Data Science), 2024.
External Assessor, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Programme Accreditation Scheme, Oxford Brookes University (BSc Mathematics), 2023.
External Assessor, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Programme Accreditation Scheme, University of Hertfordshire (BSc Mathematics and BSc Financial Mathematics), 2023.
External Assessor, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Programme Accreditation Scheme, University of Essex (BSc/MMath Mathematics, including in combination with Computing and Physics, BSc Statistics, BSc Actuarial Science and MSci Actuarial Science and Data Science), 2022.
External Assessor, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Programme Accreditation Scheme, University of Exeter (BSc Mathematics with Foundation Year), 2022.
External Examiner, BSc and MMath Mathematics, Keele University, 2018-21.
External Assessor, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Programme Accreditation Scheme, Middlesex University (BSc Mathematics and BSc Mathematics and Data Science), 2021.
External Assessor, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Programme Accreditation Scheme, Newcastle University (BSc Mathematics with Finance, BSc Mathematics with Management, BSc Mathematics with Business), 2021.
External Panel Member, BSc Mathematics and BSc Mathematics and Data Science (revalidation), Middlesex University, 2021.
External Examiner, BSc Mathematics courses, University of Worcester, 2015-20.
External Assessor, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Programme Accreditation Scheme, University of Wolverhampton (BSc courses in Mathematics, including in combination with Physics and Finance), 2019.
External Assessor, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Programme Accreditation Scheme, Newcastle University (BSc, MMath and MMathStat courses in Mathematics, Statistics, and various combined honours), 2019.
External Assessor, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Programme Accreditation Scheme, University of Derby (BSc courses in Mathematics, including in combination with Computer Science and Education), 2019.
External Panel Member, BSc Mathematics (revalidation) and BSc Data Science (validation), Kingston University, 2017.
External Assessor, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Programme Accreditation Scheme, Kingston University (BSc Mathematics), 2017.
External Panel Member, PG Certificate in Mathematical and Statistical Modelling (validation), London Metropolitan University, 2015.
Other reviewing activity
Reviewer, research outputs, Department of Computing REF Peer Review Activity, Sheffield Hallam University, 2024.
Independent External Referee, academic promotions, University Promotion Panel, Middlesex University, 2024.
Award Panel member, grant funding, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Grants without Portfolio Scheme, 2022-23.
Reviewer, grant funding, Sheffield Hallam Research & Innovation Fund, Sheffield Hallam University, 2023.
Award Panel member, grant funding, MEGA public engagement grant, Talking Maths in Public, 2023.
Reviewer, research fellowships, Early Career Research & Innovation Fellowship Scheme, Sheffield Hallam University, 2023.
Confidential external reviewer (2 candidates), academic promotions, Review Committee, University of Liverpool, 2021.
Chair, grant funding, Award Panel, Maths Communication Resources Grant Scheme, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, 2021.
Reviewer, ethics applications, Research Ethics Committee, Colleges of Social Sciences and Arts and Business, Technology and Engineering, Sheffield Hallam University, 2017-2020.
Reviewer, grant funding, Faculty Educational Research Grant Scheme, Sheffield Hallam University, 2019/20.
Independent Assessor, academic promotions, University Personal Titles Committee, University of Reading, 2019.
Reviewer, grant funding, Faculty Educational Research Grant Scheme, Sheffield Hallam University, 2018/19.
Reviewer, National Teaching Fellow applications, Advance HE, 2018.
Reviewer, book proposal, Oxford University Press, 2018.
Review Panel member, grant funding, Faculty Educational Research Grant Scheme, Sheffield Hallam University, 2017/18.
Reviewer, National Teaching Fellow applications, Higher Education Academy, 2017.
Reviewer, research outputs, Mini-REF (mock REF exercise) for Unit of Assessment 25 (Education), Sheffield Hallam University, 2017.
Review Panel member, grant funding, Faculty Teaching Enhancement Grants, Sheffield Hallam University, 2016.
External reviewer, University of Bath Maths and Stats Help 'Getting started with...' maths/stats software tutorial video resources, 2014-15.
Reviewer, grant funding, Higher Education Academy Engineering Subject Centre, 2010.
External judge, undergraduate poster competition, Further Maths Support Programme and Rolls-Royce, 2009-10.
Understanding student satisfaction and graduate outcomes from analysis of public data, £2,765.45, Department of Computing Research Project, Sheffield Hallam University, 2024 (PI; with Keith Harris).
Scoping the potential of numerate e-assessment systems for improving assessment practice at Sheffield Hallam University, £776.30, Teaching, Learning & Student Experience Fund, Sheffield Hallam University, 2022 (PI).
Mathematical Futures Programme. Mathematics Education Policy In The Future: Landscaping Mathematics Education Policy, £59,498, The Royal Society Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education, 2021 (with Gill Adams (PI), Mark Boylan, Claire Wolstenholme, Mike Coldwell, Jo Booth and Amy Birkhead).
Improving student engagement through use of online platforms, £1,771.72, Enhancement of Student Experience Project (Student Led), Sheffield Hallam University, 2020 (with Angharad Ugonna (PI), Alex Corner, Lindsay Lee, David O’Sullivan and Ros Porter).
Effectiveness of mathematical outreach activities: views of university students and outreach practitioners, £1,451.45, Faculty Education Research Project, Sheffield Hallam University, 2019 (with Katie Steckles (PI), Sheffield Hallam University).
Review of project-based learning practices in university-level engineering, £1,481, Faculty Education Research Project, Sheffield Hallam University, 2018 (PI; with Nasser Sherkat and Edward Smith, Sheffield Hallam University).
Development of a discipline/subject sense of identity and community, encompassing both students and staff, £2,000, Learning Enhancement and Academic Development Associates, Sheffield Hallam University, 2018 (with Mike Robinson (PI), Claire Cornock and Ros Porter, Sheffield Hallam University).
Maths content and concepts at the transition to university, £300, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Education Grant Scheme, 2017 (PI).
Enhancing engineering academics' pedagogical competencies for Engineering-in-Context, ZAR2,291,950, Engineering Education Existing Staff Capacity Enhancement Programme (South African Department of Higher Education and Training, the Newton Fund and the Royal Academy of Engineering), 2017 (with Chris Winberg (PI), Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Marshall Sheldon, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Ken Barris, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Trunette Joseph, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Senzo J. Malinga, Mangosuthu University of Technology, Manyane Makua, Mangosuthu University of Technology, Fundiswa Nofemela, Mangosuthu University of Technology, Anton Basson, Stellenbosch University, Karin Wolff, Stellenbosch University, Jeff Waldock, Sheffield Hallam University, David Greenfield, Sheffield Hallam University, Oliver Lewis, Sheffield Hallam University, Patrick Johnson, Sheffield Hallam University and Mike Bramhall, Sheffield Hallam University).
Student Employability Audit, £968.76, Faculty Teaching Enhancement Grant, Sheffield Hallam University, 2016 (PI; with Jeff Waldock, Sheffield Hallam University).
Maths Arcade and games in education, £897, Faculty Teaching Enhancement Grant, Sheffield Hallam University, 2016 (PI; with Claire Cornock, Sheffield Hallam University).
Effective Outreach in Mathematics, £1,360, Maths Undergraduate Research Scholarship, Nottingham Trent University, 2015 (PI; with James Hind, Nottingham Trent University).
Evaluation and development of the Maths Arcade at NTU and nationally, £1,700, Scholarship Projects for Undergraduate Research, Nottingham Trent University, 2014 (PI; with James Hind, Nottingham Trent University, Noel-Ann Bradshaw, University of Greenwich, Claire Cornock, Sheffield Hallam University, Edmund Chadwick, Salford University, Emma Cliffe, University of Bath and Calvin Smith, University of Reading).
Technology in mathematical sciences teaching, £750, Higher Education Academy commissioned research, 2014 (PI).
Accessibility in Maths, Stats and OR: LaTeX and Braille, £5,000, Higher Education Academy Subject Centre: Maths, Stats and OR Network Mini-projects, 2007 (PI; with Emma Wright, University of Nottingham and Michael Whapples, independent).
History in Mathematics Education (HiMEd) Award, £400, British Society for the History of Mathematics, 2024 (PI).
Maths puzzles and games, £500, London Mathematical Society Small Grants for Education, 2023 (PI; with Gwilym Jones, Middleton Primary and Nursery School).
History in Mathematics Education (HiMEd) Award, £400, British Society for the History of Mathematics, 2023 (PI).
Enhancing student awareness of skills development and career options in mathematics, £897, Faculty Teaching Enhancement Grant, Sheffield Hallam University, 2017 (with Claire Cornock (PI), Ros Porter and Jeff Waldock, Sheffield Hallam University).
Revitalising placement preparation and employability content in level 5 BSc Mathematics, £986.70, Faculty Teaching Enhancement Grant, Sheffield Hallam University, 2017 (with Ros Porter (PI), Claire Cornock, Eleanor Lingham and Jeff Waldock, Sheffield Hallam University).
Maths Arcade Enhancements, £1,000, Faculty Teaching Enhancement Fund, Sheffield Hallam University, 2015 (PI; with Claire Cornock, Sheffield Hallam University).
Maths Arcade for schools, £540, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Education Grant Scheme, 2014 (with Diane Hennigan (PI), Alsop High School and Liz Hind, Liverpool STEMNET).
Taking Maths Further podcasts to promote further study of mathematics, £5,500, Mathematics in Education and Industry, 2014 (PI; with Katie Steckles, University of Manchester).
Maths Arcade at Nottingham Trent University, £400, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications University Grants Scheme, 2013 (PI; with Kingsley Webster, Nottingham Trent University).
Networks, conferences and events
Talking Maths in Public, £1,200, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Small Grant Scheme, 2023 (PI; with Samantha Durbin, Royal Institution of Great Britain, Kevin Houston, University of Leeds/LMS, Christian Lawson-Perfect, Newcastle University, Ben Sparks, University of Bath/AMSP and Katie Steckles, Freelance/Sheffield Hallam University).
Exploratory 'practice research in mathematics education' (PRIME) group, £756.80, New Research Cluster Support Fund, Sheffield Hallam University, 2019 (PI; with Hilary Povey, Sheffield Hallam University).
Programming in the undergraduate mathematics curriculum, £500, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Higher Education Teaching and Learning Series 2018/19, 2018 (with Matt Jones (PI), Middlesex University).
Group Learning and Assessment Development (GLAD) Forum, £500, Hallam Guild, Sheffield Hallam University, 2018 (with Helen Kay (PI) and Diane Rushton, Sheffield Hallam University).
Encouraging, valuing and recognising research into higher education practice, £500, Hallam Guild, Sheffield Hallam University, 2018 (PI).
Broadening students' experience of mathematics in practice, £596.45, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Education Grant Scheme, 2016 (PI).
Unsolved puzzles & more with Think Maths, £600, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Education Grant Scheme, 2016 (with Sasha Pratt (PI), Generating Genius).
Employability Special Interest Group, £2,000, sigma Network, 2016 (PI; with Jeff Waldock (joint PI), Sheffield Hallam University, Noel-Ann Bradshaw, University of Greenwich, Jonathan Cole, Queens University, Belfast, Dave Faulkner, University of Hertfordshire, Laura Hooke, Loughborough University, Cheryl Voake-Jones, University of Bath, Frances Whalley, University of Hertfordshire and Kinga Zaczek, Royal Holloway, University of London).
E-Learning in Mathematical Subjects, £600, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Small Grant Scheme, 2006 (PI; with David Fairhurst, Nottingham Trent University).
Professional membership
I am a member of the following professional bodies:
Higher Education Academy since 2009; current grade: Senior Fellow (SFHEA).
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications since 2005; current grade: Chartered Mathematician and Fellow (CMath FIMA).
I am also a member of the following:
Green's Windmill Trust since 2023.
Mathematical Association since 2023.
sigma Network for Excellence in Mathematics and Statistics Support since 2018.
British Society for the History of Mathematics (BSHM) since 2008.
I hold the following qualifications:
PhD, Nottingham Trent University, 2014. (Thesis title: 'A Partially-automated Approach to the Assessment of Mathematics in Higher Education'.)
PGCertHE Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (Distinction), Nottingham Trent University, 2009.
MSc Engineering Multimedia (Distinction), Nottingham Trent University, 2004. (Dissertation title: 'Asking Questions With MathML: dynamic treatment of XML and pseudo-randomised mathematics assessment'.)
BSc (Hons) Mathematics, University of Nottingham, 2002.
A-Levels & GCSEs, Toot Hill Comprehensive School, Bingham, Notts., 1999. (A-Levels: Maths (A), Further Maths (A), Physics (A), Chemistry (B); GCSEs: 10, including Maths (A*), Science (A*AA) and English (A).)
Previous employment
Previously I have been employed as (since 2002):
Principal Lecturer in Mathematics and Employability Coordinator for Science and Technology (Nottingham Trent University), 2014-15.
Lecturer (Nottingham Trent University), 2013-14.
Hourly-Paid Lecturer (Nottingham Trent University), 2012.
Sessional Lecturer (Keele University), 2012.
Higher Education Curriculum Innovation Advisor (Maths, Stats and OR (MSOR) Network), 2010-12.
Technology Enhanced Learning Officer (School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham), 2009-10.
University Liaison Officer (Institute of Mathematics and its Applications), 2008-10.
Project lead ("Accessibility in MSOR: LaTeX and Braille", Nottingham Trent University), 2007-9.
Hourly-Paid Lecturer (Nottingham Trent University), 2008-9.
Disability support (University of Nottingham), 2007-8.
Writer, Maths Levelling Up Course (Institute of Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy, University of Nottingham), 2007-8.
Web/educational developer (RSS Centre for Statistical Education), 2004-7.
Researcher ("Use of Projects in Mathematics", University of Nottingham), 2004.
Consultant Web Developer, Maths Careers website (Council for the Mathematical Sciences), 2004.
Project Support Officer, MELEES (School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham), 2003.
Project Support Officer, MELEES (School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham), 2002.
Previous other roles
I have previously held the following other roles and responsibilities:
Member, Academy for the Mathematical Sciences Liaison Group, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, 2023-24.
Member, New course development task group (MSc Data Science and Artificial Intelligence), 2024.
Lead, STEM Higher Education Research Group, Sheffield Hallam University, 2023-24.
Member, Teaching Programme Research Ethics Committee, College of Business, Technology and Engineering, Sheffield Hallam University, 2021-24.
Taught Research Ethics Lead, Department of Engineering and Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2021-24.
Member, Departmental Research Committee for Engineering and Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2019-24.
Vice President (Communications), Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, 2020-23.
Chair, Communications Committee, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, 2020-23.
Member, Executive Board, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, 2020-23.
Member, Nominating Committee, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, 2020-23.
Member, Council, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, 2020-23.
Convenor, Maths Higher Education Teaching and Learning Practice Group, Sheffield Hallam University, 2023.
Scrutineer, AGM election, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, 2023.
Lead, IMA Course Accreditation for BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2023.
Member, BSc/MMath Mathematics Course Portfolio Development Working Group, Sheffield Hallam University, 2022-23.
Deputy Chair, Subject Benchmark Statement Review Panel (Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research), The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, 2021-23.
Member (Chair 2021), Sheffield Hallam University Recreational Mathematics Research Cluster Organising Committee, 2020-22.
Chair, Social Media Task Group, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, 2020-22.
Member, Award Panel, IMA-LMS Christopher Zeeman Medal for Promotion of Mathematics 2022, 2022.
Assessor, Mathematics Teacher Training Scholarship scheme, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, 2019-22.
Chair, 'Encourage, Value And Recognise Research Into Higher Education Practice' Group, Hallam Guild, Sheffield Hallam University, 2019-21.
Chair, Award Panel, Maths Communication Resources Grant Scheme, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, 2021.
Member, Public Understanding of Algorithms and Modelling Working Group (organised a Parliamentary & Scientific Committee Discussion Meeting 'Mathematical modelling and algorithms'), Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, 2020-21.
Member, BSc Mathematics Revalidation Group, Sheffield Hallam University, 2019-21.
Referee, Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy application, 2021.
Member, Greenwich Maths Centre Advisory Board, 2015-20.
Member, Award Panel, IMA-LMS Christopher Zeeman Medal for Promotion of Mathematics 2020, 2020.
Referee, Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy application, 2020.
Elected Council Member, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, 2019.
Member, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Communications Committee, 2016-19.
Referee, Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy application, 2019.
IMA representative, Royal Society STEMM Disability Advisory Committee, 2017-19.
New staff mentor, Sheffield Hallam University, 2018-19.
Expert respondent, International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-14) Survey Team 1 (research on university mathematics education), 2019.
Member, Assessment and Feedback Task and Finish Group, Department of Engineering and Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2018-19.
Research Lead, Higher Education Mathematics Teaching and Learning, Sheffield Hallam University, 2015-19.
New staff mentor, Sheffield Hallam University, 2017-18.
Founding co-chair, Employability Special Interest Group, sigma Network, 2016-17.
Referee, Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy application, 2017.
Committee member, London Mathematical Society Education Subcommittee on Public Engagement, 2014-16.
Committee member, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications East Midlands Branch (Chair 2012-14; Vice-Chair 2008-12), 2007-16.
STEM Ambassador, STEMNET, 2010-16.
Chair, School of Science and Technology 'Enhancing Employability' working group, Nottingham Trent University, 2014-15.
Member, School of Science and Technology 'Academic Standards and Quality' committee, Nottingham Trent University, 2014-15.
Member, College of Arts and Science 'Support and Development of International Placements' working group, Nottingham Trent University, 2014-15.
Staff member, School of Science and Technology 'Student Forum', Nottingham Trent University, 2014-15.
Member, School of Science and Technology 'Course tutorial' working group, Nottingham Trent University, 2014-15.
Chair, STEM Education Research Group, Nottingham Trent University, 2014-15.
Organiser, MathsJam Nottingham, 2010-15.
Member, School of Science and Technology 'Staff-student community' working group, Nottingham Trent University, 2013-14.
Chair, Physics and Maths Education Research Group, Nottingham Trent University, 2013-14.
Council member, The British Society for the History of Mathematics (BSHM), 2009-13.
Committee member, IMA Early Career Mathematicians Group Committee, 2010-12.
Founding chair, Accessing Maths, Stats and OR (AccessMSOR), a Working Group of the Higher Education Academy Maths, Stats and OR Network, 2008-9.
Co-organiser, E-Learning in Mathematical Subjects (ELMS), 2005-9.
Co-ordinator, 'MathML/XML Series' in MSOR Connections, 2005-8.
Student representative, College Research Degrees Committee, Science & Technology, Nottingham Trent University, 2006-7.
Student representative, Course Committee, MSc Engineering Multimedia, Nottingham Trent University, 2003.
Supervisor for Jenny Stacey, Adults studying GCSE mathematics in Further Education: Self-efficacy, anxiety, and examination grades, Sheffield Hallam University, 2020-24.
Director of Studies for Alex Crombie, The Contribution of Interdisciplinary Teaching to the Development of Students' Employability, Sheffield Hallam University, 2016-24.
Supervisor for Siavosh Haghighi Movahed, An innovative approach in teaching laboratory activities within a computer networking curriculum, Sheffield Hallam University, 2017-25.
Director of Studies for Ellen Marshall, Statistics anxiety: effectiveness of strategies in reducing the impact on student achievement, Sheffield Hallam University, 2018-25.
Casual researchers
As employer of non-student researchers:
Co-supervisor for 1 casual researchers, Exploratory 'practice research in mathematics education' (PRIME) group, Sheffield Hallam University, 2019.
Supervisor for 1 casual researchers, Review of project-based learning practices in university-level engineering, Sheffield Hallam University, 2018/19.
As employer of student researchers:
Supervisor for 2 student researchers, Scoping the potential of numerate e-assessment systems for improving assessment practice at Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield Hallam University, 2022/23.
Co-supervisor for 1 student researchers, Effectiveness of mathematical outreach activities, Sheffield Hallam University, 2020.
Co-supervisor for 1 student researchers, Group Learning and Assessment Development (GLAD) Forum, Sheffield Hallam University, 2019.
Co-supervisor for 3 student researchers, Course community, Sheffield Hallam University, 2018/19.
Supervisor for 1 student researchers, Opportunities to enhance practice arising from changes to school mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2018.
Co-supervisor for 2 student researchers, Revitalising placement preparation and employability content in level 5 BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2018.
Co-supervisor for 2 student researchers, Enhancing student awareness of skills development and career options in mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2018.
Supervisor for 1 student researchers, Maths content and concepts at the transition to university, Sheffield Hallam University, 2017.
Supervisor for 2 student researchers, Student employability audit, Sheffield Hallam University, 2017.
Main supervisor for 2 student researchers, Games in mathematics higher education, Sheffield Hallam University, 2017.
Main supervisor for 2 student researchers, Maths Arcade enhancements, Sheffield Hallam University, 2017.
Main supervisor for 2 student researchers, Maths Arcade enhancements, Sheffield Hallam University, 2016.
Main supervisor for 2 student researchers, Effective outreach in mathematics, Nottingham Trent University, 2015.
Main supervisor for 1 student researchers, Evaluation and development of the Maths Arcade at NTU and nationally, Nottingham Trent University, 2014.
Taught dissertations
Taught postgraduate dissertations:
A comprehensive analysis of IOT and blockchain application in shipment tracking, MSc IT Management, Sheffield Hallam University, 2024/25.
The Role of IT Management in Enabling Digital Transformation in the UK Healthcare Sector, MSc IT Management, Sheffield Hallam University, 2024/25.
Leveraging IT for Customer-Centric Retail in Nigeria: Personalized Marketing and Omnichannel Strategies for Business Success, MSc IT Management, Sheffield Hallam University, 2024/25.
Using Academic Analytics to investigate the potential for an NSS Early Warning System, MSc Digital and Technology Solutions Specialist (Data Analytics), Sheffield Hallam University, 2023/24.
How can Forecasted Call Volumes assist in Workforce Resource Management?, MSc Digital and Technology Solutions Specialist (Data Analytics), Sheffield Hallam University, 2023/24.
Application of Linear Programming for Efficient Production Planning in FMCG [Fast-Moving Consumer Goods] Industry, MSc Automation Control and Robotics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2023/24.
Digital Twin Implementation of Robotic System for Automated Inspection and Sorting of Processed Food Products, MSc Automation Control and Robotics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2023/24.
Project Management Strategies During Lottery Operator Transition, MSc Advanced Engineering and Management, Sheffield Hallam University, 2023/24.
Lottery Games: Design and evaluation of systems to maximize profits, MSc Advanced Engineering and Management, Sheffield Hallam University, 2021/22.
Undergraduate dissertations:
The Evolution of Mathematics Teaching: A Historical Journey through the 1900s, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2023/24.
Programming a computer to play a game, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2023/24.
Voronoi Polygon Generation Methods in Urban Planning, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2023/24.
A Game Theory Analysis of Tactix, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2022/23.
Developing a program to determine if Quarto is a solved game, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2022/23.
An Exploration into the Contributions of Women Mathematicians in 18th-20th Century Europe, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2022/23.
Programming a game tree search (e.g. for Noughts and Crosses), BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2021/22.
Calculating Pi, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2021/22.
Revisiting 'Men of Mathematics' by E.T. Bell, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2020/21.
Women and Mathematics: Lives and Contributions through 18th and 19th Century Europe, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2020/21.
Programming a computer to play Naughts and Crosses and related games optimally, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2020/21.
Simulating the Lorenz cipher used in 'Tunny' Machines during WW2, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2020/21.
Revisiting “Men of Mathematics”: The Biography of Niels Henrik Abel, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2019/20.
Does active, student-centred learning outperform the traditional approach for teaching undergraduate mathematics?, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2019/20.
Computer Program to Play Nim Optimally, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2019/20.
Coding a game to be played optimally (Three Men's Morris), BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2019/20.
How to always win at Noughts and Crosses, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2019/20.
Ciphers of the Second World War (Lorenz/Tunny), BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2018/19.
Computer program to play a game optimally, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2018/19.
Calculating pi, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2018/19.
Geometrical Methods for Numerical Approximations of Pi, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2017/18.
Teaching Mathematical Concepts Using Puzzles and Games, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2017/18.
Creating a computer program to play Noughts and Crosses optimally, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2017/18.
Effectiveness of mathematics assessment at higher education, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2017/18.
The Origins of Calculus and its Influence on Education, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2017/18.
Game theory: analysis of Nim games and their variants, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2016/17.
Using the techniques of game theory to analyse the proofs, strategies and algorithms in the game of Hex, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2016/17.
A study into the strategies and implementation of 'Noughts and Crosses' using Visual Basic for Applications, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2016/17.
Making mathematicians: a study into the mathematical concepts that are essential in the first year of study for BSc Mathematics, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2016/17.
The history of mathematics education, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2016/17.
History of algebra: from ancient Egyptians to the study of early group theory, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2015/16.
Maths anxiety experienced by children undergoing transition between primary and secondary schools in North and East Midlands of England, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2015/16.
An analysis of lottery game design: exploring the key factors in maximising income generated from ticket sales, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2015/16.
Fermat's Little Theorem and RSA cryptosystems, BSc Mathematics, Nottingham Trent University, 2014/15.
A game theory analysis of noughts and crosses and its variants, BSc Mathematics, Nottingham Trent University, 2014/15.
Hex: maths games and education, BSc Mathematics, Nottingham Trent University, 2014/15.
The Hilbert and Clay prize problems, BSc Mathematics, Nottingham Trent University, 2014/15.
Calculating pi: an investigation of infinite series to calculate pi, BSc Mathematics, Nottingham Trent University, 2014/15.
Analysis of Nim based games, BSc Mathematics, Nottingham Trent University, 2014/15.
The history of the Golden Ratio and its role in the perception of beauty, BSc Mathematics, Nottingham Trent University, 2013/14.
Evaluating staff and student views on lecture capture and screen annotation, BSc Mathematics, Nottingham Trent University, 2013/14.
Student engagement with formative assessment including e-assessment, BSc Mathematics, Nottingham Trent University, 2013/14.
Designing coincidences: an analysis of the Lottery, BSc Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2013/14.
Doctoral examination
Internal Examiner, PhD viva, Sheffield Hallam University, 2023.
Independent Chair, PhD viva, Sheffield Hallam University, 2018.
Independent Chair, PhD viva, Sheffield Hallam University, 2018.
Rapporteur, Approval of Research Programme (PhD), Sheffield Hallam University, 2016.
Teaching experience
Project: Management and Scoping | 2024/25 | level 6 maths | Sheffield Hallam University | research skills, project management. |
Further Topics in Mathematics and its Applications | 2024/25 | level 6 maths | Sheffield Hallam University | modelling for sustainability, game theory, combinatorics. |
Modelling and Differential Equations | 2024/25 | level 4 maths | Sheffield Hallam University | modelling, maths and society, professional skills. |
Proof and Reasoning | 2024/25 | level 4 maths | Sheffield Hallam University | logic, set theory, group theory, graph theory, problem solving, proof. |
Mathematical and Statistical Methods | 2024/25 | level 4 maths | Sheffield Hallam University | linear algebra, programming. |
Maths for Foundation Computing | 2024/25 | level 3 computing | Sheffield Hallam University | maths. |
Project | 2016/17-2017/18 & 2022/23-2023/24 | level 6 maths | Sheffield Hallam University | research skills, final year project coordinator. |
Advanced Modelling Case Studies | 2019/20-2023/24 | level 6 maths | Sheffield Hallam University | variously computational geometry, modelling for sustainability, ODEs, mechanics, OR/optimisation, databases, simulation. |
Game Theory and Recreational Mathematics | 2018/19-2023/24 | level 6 maths | Sheffield Hallam University | combinatorics, graph theory, game theory (combinatorial and classic), communication skills, problem-solving. |
Programming with Mathematical Applications | 2018/19-2023/24 | level 5 maths | Sheffield Hallam University | computer programming (Python), databases, web presentation of mathematics. |
Mathematical Technology | 2018/19-2023/24 | level 4 maths | Sheffield Hallam University | computer programming (Python) (old topics previously taught: Excel VBA and introduction to LaTeX). |
Mathematical Modelling 2 | 2016/17-2018/19 & 2020/21-2023/24 | level 5 maths | Sheffield Hallam University | variously data analysis, agent-based crowd movement, Markov chains. |
Explorations in Mathematics (History of Mathematics) | 2016/17-2023/24 | level 4 maths | Sheffield Hallam University | history of mathematics, research skills, communication skills. |
Mathematical Modelling 1 | 2016/17-2022/23 | level 4 maths | Sheffield Hallam University | queuing, Markov models, ODE models, climate models, population models, problem-solving, group work, modelling skills. |
Foundation Mathematics 1 | 2015/16 & 2017/18 | level 3 engineering | Sheffield Hallam University | basic algebra, functions, trigonometry, vectors. |
Engineering Mathematics | 2015/16-2017/18 | level 4 engineering | Sheffield Hallam University | basic algebra, functions, complex numbers, matrices, calculus, Laplace transforms, Taylor series, ODEs, computational methods. |
Individual session | 2015/16 | level 6 maths | University of Greenwich | 'Unplanned Impact of Mathematics'. |
Professional Development | 2015/16 | level 6 maths | Sheffield Hallam University | employability, professional skills, reflection. |
Modelling 2 | 2015/16 | level 5 maths | Sheffield Hallam University | modelling. |
Foundation Mathematics 2 | 2015/16 | level 3 engineering | Sheffield Hallam University | functions, complex numbers, matrices, calculus. |
History of Mathematics | 2015/16 | level 4 maths | Sheffield Hallam University | history of mathematics, research skills, communication skills. |
Individual session | 2014/15 | level 6 maths | University of Greenwich | 'Unplanned Impact of Mathematics'. |
Mathematical Methods 1 | 2012/13-2014/15 | level 4 maths | Nottingham Trent University | complex numbers, matrices, calculus, Taylor series, ODEs. |
Skills for Forensic Science | 2012/13-2014/15 | level 4 science | Nottingham Trent University | basic algebra, logarithms, calculus and statistics. |
Computational & Numerical Methods 2 | 2013/14 | level 5 maths | Nottingham Trent University | numerical methods and computation (Matlab). |
Individual session | 2012/13 | level 6 maths | University of Greenwich | 'Unplanned Impact of Mathematics'. |
Professional Mathematics | 2012/13 | level 6 maths | Keele University | computational geometry, data analysis, modelling, problem-solving, professional skills. |
Computational & Numerical Methods 1 | 2008/9 and 2012/13 | level 4 maths | Nottingham Trent University | numerical methods and computation (Matlab and Derive). |
Individual session | 2011/12 | level 5 maths | University of Salford | 'History of cryptography'. |
Individual session | 2011/12 | level 6 maths | University of Greenwich | 'Unplanned Impact of Mathematics'. |
Individual session | 2010/11 | level 6 maths | Manchester Metropolitan University | 'Chance & Coincidence'. |
Individual session | 2009/10 | postgraduate maths | University of Nottingham | 'Introduction to LaTeX'. |
Problem Solving | 2008/9 | level 5 maths | Nottingham Trent University | modelling and professional skills. |
Essentials of Living Systems | 2008/9 | level 4 science | Nottingham Trent University | Word, Excel and PowerPoint for science. |
Professional Skills for IT | 2008/9 | level 4 science | Nottingham Trent University | Word, Excel and PowerPoint for science. |
Scientific Mathematics | 2007/8 | level 4 science and business | Nottingham Trent University | basic algebra, functions, calculus. |
Module Leadership
Further Topics in Mathematics and its Applications (40 credits, level 6), 2024/25, Sheffield Hallam University.
Proof and Reasoning (20 credits, level 4), 2024/25, Sheffield Hallam University.
Project (40 credits, level 6), 2016/17-2017/18 & 2022/23-2023/24, Sheffield Hallam University.
Game Theory and Recreational Mathematics (20 credits, level 6), 2018/19-2023/24, Sheffield Hallam University.
Programming with Mathematical Applications (20 credits, level 5), 2018/19-2023/24, Sheffield Hallam University.
Mathematical Modelling 2 (20 credits, level 5), 2016/17-2017/18, Sheffield Hallam University.
History of Mathematics (10 credits, level 4), 2015/16, Sheffield Hallam University.
Mathematical Methods 1 (20 credits, level 4), 2012/13-2014/15, Nottingham Trent University.
Internal moderation
Advanced Topics in Mathematics and its Applications (40 credits, level 6), 2024/25, Sheffield Hallam University.
Data Mining with Business Applications (20 credits, level 6), 2023/24, Sheffield Hallam University.
Number and Structure (20 credits, level 4), 2022/23-2023/24, Sheffield Hallam University.
Mathematical Methods (20 credits, level 4), 2022/23-2023/24, Sheffield Hallam University.
Mathematical Modelling 1 (20 credits, level 4), 2016/17-2021/22 & 2023/24, Sheffield Hallam University.
Linear & Discrete Mathematics (20 credits, level 5), 2022/23, Sheffield Hallam University.
Mathematical Modelling 2 (20 credits, level 5), 2021/22, Sheffield Hallam University.
Mathematics Education (20 credits, level 5), 2015/16-2016/17 & 2020/21, Sheffield Hallam University.
Project (40 credits, level 6), 2018/19-2019/20, Sheffield Hallam University.
Advanced Modelling Case Studies (20 credits, level 6), 2016/17, Sheffield Hallam University.
Dynamic Geometry (10 credits, level 4), 2015/16-2016/17, Sheffield Hallam University.
Communicating Science & Technology (20 credits, level 6), 2013/14-2014/15, Nottingham Trent University.
Skills for Forensic Science (10 credits, level 4), 2012/13-2014/15, Nottingham Trent University.
Computational & Numerical Methods 2 (20 credits, level 5), 2013/14, Nottingham Trent University.