Maths communication activity
I am keen to promote mathematics as an inclusive activity taking place in a useful, fun and interesting world. This page lists the popular maths things I've done, including in the media, events and writing.
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Media appearances
Radio New Zealand National (27 Aug 2023), Sunday Morning programme, Maths of lotteries interview.
BBC Radio Kent (17 Apr 2023), Attitudes to maths discussion item.
BBC Radio Kent (30 May 2022), Imperial measures discussion item.
BBC Radio Bristol (25 May 2022), origins of mathematics discussion item.
Resonance FM (London) (19 Feb 2012), feature on the UK Government refusal to issue a pardon for Alan Turing.
Resonance FM (London) (25 Jan 2012), interviewed on Big Science FM about 'the unplanned impact of mathematics'.
Resonance FM (London) (11 Dec 2011), feature on declining educational standards.
Resonance FM (London) (13 Nov 2011), interviewing Samuel Hansen about mathematical interview project 'Relatively Prime'.
Resonance FM (London) (30 Oct 2011), feature on the calculation of 10 trillion digits of pi.
BBC Radio Nottingham (2 Sep 2011), interviewed about the Nottingham Maths Jam.
Resonance FM (London) (21 Aug 2011), commenting on the Vorderman report on mathematics education.
The Mathematical Association (23 Aug 2023), President's VLOG 12, maths and sustainability interview by Nira Chamberlain.
MathsWorldUK (7 Jul 2020), 'Peter Rowlett and Advanced Noughts and Crosses', interview by James Grime.
Nature podcast, Nature Publishing Group (14 Jul 2011), interviewed about 'the unplanned impact of mathematics'.
Mathematical Objects (with Katie Steckles): Mar 2019 to present.
Taking Maths Further (with Katie Steckles): Jun 2014 to May 2015.
Math/Maths Podcast (with Samuel Hansen): Jun 2010 to Oct 2014.
Travels in a Mathematical World: Sep 2008 to Jul 2010.
Schools and colleges talks, workshops and other events
'George Green and Learning Maths in 19th Century Nottingham' Talk, 'Mathematical Modelling' and 'Cryptography' Workshops, Year 12/13, Hucknall Sixth Form Centre, Hucknall, Nottingham, for Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity (10/02/2025).
Mathematics: Broader Horizons, Year 12 visit day, Sheffield Hallam University (19/12/2024). With Angharad Ugonna.
'Careers in Maths' Talk and 'Cryptography' Workshop (Y12/13), UTC Olympic Legacy Park, Sheffield (17/12/2024).
Mathematics: Broader Horizons, Year 12 visit day, Sheffield Hallam University (15/11/2024). With Angharad Ugonna.
'Mathematical Modelling' Workshop (Year 12) and 'George Green and Learning Maths in 19th Century Nottingham' (Years 7-9), Toot Hill School, Bingham, Nottinghamshire (09/07/2024).
'Careers in Maths' Talk and 'Cryptography' Workshop, Year 12, Leeds Mathematics School, Leeds (08/07/2024).
'Mathematics and Literature' Workshop, Year 10 Taking Maths Further event, Advanced Maths Support Programme (04/07/2024).
'Careers in Maths' Talk and 'Mathematical Modelling' Workshop (Year 12) and 'Could You Be A Codebreaker?' Workshop (Year 10), St Mary's Catholic High School, Chesterfield, Derbyshire (03/07/2024). With Angharad Ugonna.
Mathematics: Broader Horizons, Year 12 visit day, Sheffield Hallam University (02/07/2024). With Angharad Ugonna.
'Problem solving - What am I being asked to do?' Workshop, Year 7 campus visit (Swanwick Hall School) (26/06/2024).
'Noughts and Crosses is a boring game' Workshop, Year 12 Moving on with Maths event, Advanced Maths Support Programme (24/06/2024).
'Careers in Maths' Talk and 'Problem Solving' Workshop, Year 12, Tupton Hall School, Chesterfield, Derbyshire (17/06/2024).
'Careers in Maths' Talk (Year 12) and 'Could You Be A Codebreaker?' Workshop (Year 10), All Saints Catholic High School, Sheffield (15/05/2024). With Angharad Ugonna.
'Mathematical Modelling' Workshops, Years 10 and 12, Bramcote College, Nottingham (09/05/2024).
Chair of Graduate Q&A Panel, Year 9 Women in Maths Day, Sheffield Hallam University (08/05/2024).
'Careers in Maths' Talk and 'Mathematical Modelling' Workshop, Year 12, Bilborough College, Nottingham (30/04/2024).
Maths Puzzles and Games Club, Year 4/5 after school club, Middleton Primary and Nursery School, Nottingham (20/02/2024, 27/02/2024, 12/03/2024, 19/03/2024, 26/03/2024). With Gwilym Jones.
There are 40,320 ways to give this talk, Sheffield Pop Maths Sixth Form Lecture (09/03/2024).
'Careers in Maths' Talk (Year 11/12), 'Problem Solving' Workshop (Year 11) and 'Playful Puzzles and Games' Workshop (Year 10), South Nottinghamshire Academy, Radcliffe-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, for Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity (05/02/2024).
'Cryptography' Workshop, Year 13, Derby College, Derby (20/12/2023).
'Careers in Maths' Talk and 'Mathematical Modelling' Workshop (Year 12/13) and 'Mathematical Modelling' Workshop (Year 11), The Kimberley School, Kimberley, Nottinghamshire (28/11/2023).
Mathematics: Broader Horizons, Year 12/13 visit day, Sheffield Hallam University (23/11/2023). With Angharad Ugonna and Alex Corner.
Mathematics: Broader Horizons, Year 12/13 visit day, Sheffield Hallam University (14/11/2023). With Angharad Ugonna.
'Careers in Maths' Talk and 'Mathematical Modelling' Workshop (Year 12/13) and 'Playful Puzzles and Games' Workshop (Year 10), Kirk Hallam Community Academy, Ilkeston, Derbyshire (24/10/2023).
'Cryptography' Workshop, Year 12/13, Sheffield College, Sheffield (18/10/2023).
'Careers in Maths' Talk, Year 12/13, Sheffield College, Sheffield (16/10/2023).
'Careers in Maths' Talk and 'Mathematical Modelling' Workshop, Year 13, Tupton Hall School, Chesterfield, Derbyshire (18/09/2023).
'Careers in Maths' Talk and 'Cryptography' Workshop, Year 12, St Mary's Catholic High School, Chesterfield, Derbyshire (13/07/2023).
'Careers in Maths' Talk, Year 12, Outwood Academy Newbold, Chesterfield, Derbyshire (10/07/2023).
'Cryptography' Workshop (Year 12) and 'Mathematical Modelling' Workshop (Year 7/8), David Nieper Academy, Alfreton, Derbyshire (22/05/2023). With Keith Harris.
'Mathematical Modelling' Workshops, Year 10 and Year 12, St Joseph's College, Stoke-on-Trent (11/05/2023). With Angharad Ugonna, Alex Shukie and Vijay Teeluck.
'Maths in Science' and 'Playful Puzzles and Games' Workshops, Year 10, Shirebrook Academy, Shirebrook, Derbyshire (04/05/2023). With Vijay Teeluck.
Mathematics: Broader Horizons, Year 12 visit day, Sheffield Hallam University (26/04/2023). With Angharad Ugonna, Alex Corner and Keith Harris.
'Careers in Maths' Talk, Year 12, Bramcote College, Nottingham (25/04/2023).
'Could You Be A Codebreaker?' Workshop, Year 10, Thistley Hough Academy, Stoke-on-Trent (24/04/2023).
'Careers in Maths' Talk, Year 12, Bilborough College, Nottingham (31/03/2023).
Mathematics Poster Competition, British Science Week 2023.
'Playful Puzzles and Games' Workshop, British Science Week 2023, Sheffield Hallam University (14/03/2023). With Alex Corner.
Our world simulated with dice, IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications, Sheffield (04-05/07/2022).
'Playful Puzzles and Games' Workshop, IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications, Sheffield (04/07/2022). With Alex Corner.
There are 40,320 ways to give this talk, IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications, Sheffield (04/07/2022).
Mathematics Poster Competition, British Science Week 2022.
Solving It Like A Mathematician, Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity, Broadmarsh Centre, Nottingham (20/03/2015).
'Game Theory' Workshop, East Midlands Big Bang 2014, Derby Roundhouse (10/07/2014). With Kingsley Webster.
Solving It Like A Mathematician, East Midlands Big Bang 2014, Derby Roundhouse (10/07/2014). With James Hind, Kingsley Webster, Callum Mulligan and Kathryn Taylor.
Designing Coincidences, Year 9 Masterclass on probability, Liverpool (05/10/2013).
Solving It Like A Mathematician, East Midlands Big Bang 2012, East Midlands Conference Centre (28/06/2012). With John Read, Kathryn Taylor, Ian Peatfield and Matt Parker.
Solving It Like A Mathematician, East Midlands Big Bang 2011, East Midlands Conference Centre (28/06/2011). With John Read, Kathryn Taylor, Ian Peatfield, Noel France and Alex Corner.
Puzzles, schools outreach event, Cardiff University (09/03/2010).
Puzzles, sixth form lecture, University of Liverpool (15/10/2009).
Puzzles and Games, MathsCity, Leeds (01/06/2023).
Our world simulated with dice, IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications, Sheffield (04-05/07/2022).
Our world simulated with dice, MathsCity, Leeds (02/06/2022).
Solving It Like A Mathematician, Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity, Broadmarsh Centre, Nottingham (20/03/2015).
Solving It Like A Mathematician, East Midlands Big Bang 2014, Derby Roundhouse (10/07/2014). With James Hind, Kingsley Webster, Callum Mulligan and Kathryn Taylor.
Solving It Like A Mathematician, STEM Pop Up Shop, Broadmarsh Shopping Centre, Nottingham (26/10/2012).
Solving It Like A Mathematician, East Midlands Big Bang 2012, East Midlands Conference Centre (28/06/2012). With John Read, Kathryn Taylor, Ian Peatfield and Matt Parker.
Solving It Like A Mathematician, East Midlands Big Bang 2011, East Midlands Conference Centre (28/06/2011). With John Read, Kathryn Taylor, Ian Peatfield, Noel France and Alex Corner.
Public talks
Can maths help save the world?, The mathematics that explains our world, New Scientist, London (28/09/2024).
Games that you don't realise that you're not playing, 24 Hour Maths Game Show (29/10/2022). With Alex Corner video.
The unplanned impact of mathematics, Cafe Sci, Nottingham (20/04/2015).
George Green: A Miller's Tale, Clifton Village Residents' Association, Clifton Village Hall, Nottingham (23/03/2015).
George Green's Mathematical Influences, Lakeside Arts Centre, Nottingham (12/11/2014).
Chair, From Durer to sudoku: 500 years of recreational maths, British Science Festival 2014 (06/09/2014).
Co-organiser, What has Mathematics done for us?, IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications, Manchester (03/07/2014).
Other discursive, historical and recreational talks
9999713179999 is prime, MathsJam Conference 2024 (02/11/2024).
George Green: miller and mathematical physicist, Physics and Maths Lunchtime Lecture Series, Sheffield Hallam University (08/10/2024).
The maths of simple two-player games, Gathering 4 Gardner Celebration of Mind Virtual Events (21/11/2023).
Am I related to Henry VIII's Master of the Mint? Are you?, MathsJam Conference 2023 (11/11/2023).
The maths of simple two-player games, Physics and Maths Lunchtime Lecture Series, Sheffield Hallam University (31/01/2023).
On-Sets: a vintage game of set theory, MathsJam Conference 2022 (19/11/2022).
nimsticks: making games with LaTeX and Lua, MathsJam Conference 2020 (22/11/2020).
Mathematical Objects Roadshow, MathsJam Conference 2020 (21/11/2020). With Katie Steckles.
There are 362,880 ways to give this talk, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications East Midlands Branch, University of Nottingham (30/01/2020).
#tmwyk - mathematical play in education, MathsJam Conference 2019 (30/11/2019).
Counting caterpillars, MathsJam Conference 2018 (17/11/2018).
Mathematical Toddler Toys, MathsJam Conference 2016 (12/11/2016).
Nim-like games, MathsJam Conference 2015 (07/11/2015).
A Taste of Maths Jam, after-dinner session, 8th British Congress of Mathematics Education (14/04/2014). With Katie Steckles.
A brief history of mathematics: 5,000 years from Egypt to Nottingham Trent, Nottingham Trent University Maths Society (06/11/2013).
Ox Blocks probabilities, MathsJam Conference 2013 (03/11/2013).
Quarto games of different sizes, MathsJam Conference 2013 (02/11/2013).
The unplanned impact of mathematics: surprising examples of unexpected applications, British Mathematical Colloquium 2013, History of Mathematics workshop, University of Sheffield (27/03/2013).
The Unplanned Impact of Mathematics, British Society for the History of Mathematics Christmas meeting, Birmingham (08/12/2012).
Chair, IMA Early Career Mathematicians' Autumn Conference 2012, University of Greenwich (24/11/2012).
Preliminary analysis of a large data set, MathsJam Conference 2012 (17/11/2012).
History of cryptography, University of Salford (06/03/2012).
Chair, 15th IMA Early Career Mathematicians Conference, University of Bristol (19/11/2011).
Why the hot light bulb annoys me, MathsJam Conference 2011 (12/11/2011).
Unplanned impact of mathematics, MathsJam Conference 2011 (12/11/2011).
Maths Puzzles, SSAT Annual Maths Conference 2011, University of Warwick (13/07/2011).
A Maths History Tour of Nottingham, History of Maths splinter, British Mathematical Colloquium 2011, University of Leicester (20/04/2011).
Chance and Coincidence, Manchester Metropolitan University (23/02/2011).
Bacon, Small-Worlds, and Your Important Friends: Social Network Theory Explained, University of Leicester (19/11/2010). With Samuel Hansen.
Maths and Computing History tour of Nottingham, University of Greenwich (17/11/2010). With Samuel Hansen.
Bacon, Small-Worlds, and Your Important Friends: Social Network Theory Explained, University of Birmingham (15/11/2010). With Samuel Hansen.
A curious fact about almost every integer, MathsJam Conference 2010 (14/11/2010).
Thinking outside of the box, MathsJam Conference 2010 (13/11/2010).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Surrey (29/04/2010).
Cryptography, University of Derby (21/04/2010).
Cryptography, Aberystwyth University (19/03/2010).
Shape of the cosmos, University of Nottingham (16/03/2010).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of York (10/03/2010).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Leeds (10/03/2010).
Careers for mathematics graduates, Brunel University (08/03/2010).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Bristol (03/03/2010).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of the West of England (03/03/2010).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Bath (02/03/2010).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Keele (24/02/2010).
Careers for mathematics graduates, London Met University (23/02/2010).
Careers for mathematics graduates, Swansea University (19/02/2010).
Careers for mathematics graduates, Cardiff University (18/02/2010).
Careers for mathematics graduates, Imperial College London (08/02/2010).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Oxford (08/02/2010).
Chance and Coincidence, University of Leicester (04/02/2010).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Nottingham (03/02/2010).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Plymouth (09/12/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Exeter (08/12/2009).
Cryptography, University of Southampton (03/12/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Portsmouth (03/12/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Brighton (02/12/2009).
Substitution ciphers: Ancient - Renaissance, University of Nottingham (01/12/2009) video.
Cryptography, Heriot-Watt University (27/11/2009).
Puzzles, University of Edinburgh (26/11/2009).
Cryptography, University of St. Andrews (26/11/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Glasgow (25/11/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Strathclyde (25/11/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Stirling (25/11/2009).
Cryptography, University of Aberdeen (24/11/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Dundee (23/11/2009).
Cryptography, University of Sheffield (19/11/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Sheffield (19/11/2009).
Update from IMA University Liaison Officer, 11th Younger Mathematicians Conference (14/11/2009).
Puzzles, Northumbria University (12/11/2009).
Spin in Ball Games, University of York (11/11/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, Durham University (11/11/2009).
Puzzles, Newcastle University (10/11/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Kent (04/11/2009).
Puzzles, London School of Economics (02/11/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, Manchester Metropolitan University (28/10/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Bolton (28/10/2009).
Cryptography, Lancaster University (27/10/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Lancaster (27/10/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, Kingston University (21/10/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Liverpool (15/10/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, Liverpool John Moores University (14/10/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, Nottingham Trent University (08/10/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of East Anglia (07/10/2009).
Update from IMA University Liaison Officer, 10th Younger Mathematicians Conference (13/05/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of York (06/05/2009).
Puzzles, University of York (05/05/2009).
Spin in Ball Games, University of Sheffield (29/04/2009).
Spin in Ball Games, Newcastle University (28/04/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, London Met University (30/03/2009).
Spin in Ball Games, University of Leicester (05/03/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Leicester (05/03/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, Heriot-Watt University (27/02/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Edinburgh (27/02/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Edinburgh (27/02/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Glasgow (26/02/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Strathclyde (26/02/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Aberdeen (25/02/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of St. Andrews (25/02/2009).
Maths careers and the work of the IMA University Liaison Officer, IMA Scottish Branch, Napier University, Edinburgh (24/02/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, Cardiff University (20/02/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, Brunel University (19/02/2009).
Spin in Ball Games, University of Greenwich (18/02/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Bristol (12/02/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of the West of England (12/02/2009).
Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Greenwich (26/01/2009).
Cryptography, Newcastle University (25/11/2008).
Careers for mathematics graduates, Nottingham Trent University (09/10/2008).
I am a contributor and editor at The Aperiodical blog.
I have contributed to the following books.
- Short Cuts: Maths (2023, Icon Books), edited by Katie Steckles.
- Chapters 7 'Modelling' and 8 'Games'.
- Headscratchers: The New Scientist Puzzle Book (2023, Allen & Unwin), edited by Rob Eastaway and Brian Hobbs.
- Puzzle 30 (p. 39), and its backstory and commentary (pp. 144-145).
- The Best Writing on Mathematics 2012 (2012, Princeton University Press), edited by Mircea Pitici.
- Chapter 'The Unplanned Impact of Mathematics' (pp. 21-29).
In addition, I have written the following popular articles.
BrainTwister #62 Particular patterns in piles (2025) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 265(3532), p. 45.
BrainTwister #60 Say what you see (2025) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 265(3530), p. 45.
What day is it anyway? (2025) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 265(3524), p. 45.
BrainTwister #51 Ribbon theory (2024) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 264(3521/22), p. 77.
Form an orderly queue (2024) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 264(3513), p. 44.
BrainTwister #42 Persistence (2024) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 264(3513), p. 45.
BrainTwister #36 Prime generators (2024) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 263(3507), p. 45.
Time to rhyme (2024) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 263(3503), p. 44.
BrainTwister #30 Digital targets (2024) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 263(3501), p. 45.
BrainTwister #28 Dice differences (2024) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 263(3499), p. 45.
BrainTwister #26 Up and down (2024) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 262(3497), p. 44.
BrainTwister #22 Even rows (2024) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 262(3493), p. 45.
What are the chances? (2024) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 262(3493), p. 44.
BrainTwister #18 The arithmetical two-step (2024) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 262(3489), p. 45.
BrainTwister #15 Domino strips (2024) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 262(3486), p. 45.
BrainTwister #13 Number Venns (2024) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 261(3484), p. 45.
Hey presto, it's a sum! (2024) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 261(3483), p. 44.
BrainTwister #10 Chairs in pairs (2024) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 261(3481), p. 45.
BrainTwister #7 Home primes (2024) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 261(3478), p. 45.
All in the family (2024) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 261(3473), p. 44.
Grid codes (2023) by Peter Rowlett, U3A Mathematics and Statistics 2(24), p. 2.
Puzzle 30 (2023) by Peter Rowlett, Headscratchers: The New Scientist Puzzle Book, pp. 39, 144-145.
Luck of the draw (2023) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 259(3452), p. 44.
Pack it up, pack it in (2023) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 258(3442), p. 44.
David Singmaster (2023) by Peter Rowlett, MathsJam Shout March 2023, p. 1.
On-Sets: A Vintage Set Theory Game (2023) by Peter Rowlett, Math Horizons 30(4), pp. 8-11.
Puzzle #211 Cross Purposes (2023) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 257(3428), p. 53.
Puzzle #205 Buried shields (2023) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 257(3422), p. 53.
Puzzle #204 Think of a number (2023) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 257(3421), p. 53.
Quarto in higher dimensions (2022) by Peter Rowlett, Chalkdust Magazine 16, pp. 28-31.
Puzzle #186 Neural network (2022) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 255(3405), p. 53.
Puzzle #178 Hydra (2022) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 255(3397), p. 53.
Mathematical Objects (2022) by Katie Steckles and Peter Rowlett, MathsJam Shout July 2022, p. 1.
Puzzle #173 Knight moves (2022) by Peter Rowlett, New Scientist 254(3392), p. 53.
Puzzle: Grocery Swap (2020) by Peter Rowlett, MathsJam Shout October 2020, p. 1.
Counting caterpillars (2019) by Peter Rowlett, Chalkdust Magazine 9, pp. 30-35.
Green's mathematical application to electricity, and beyond (2013) by Peter Rowlett, Mathematics Today 49(4), p. 162.
Stories of the Unplanned Impact of Mathematics (2013) by Peter Rowlett, Mathematics Today 49(2), p. 61.
The Unplanned Impact of Mathematics (2012) by Peter Rowlett, Mark McCartney, Tony Mann, Graham Hoare, Edmund Harriss, Juan Parrondo, Noel-Ann Bradshaw, Julia Collins and Chris Linton, The Best Writing on Mathematics 2012, pp. 21-29.
The unplanned impact of mathematics (2011) by Peter Rowlett, Mark McCartney, Tony Mann, Graham Hoare, Edmund Harriss, Juan Parrondo, Noel-Ann Bradshaw, Julia Collins and Chris Linton, Nature 475, pp. 166-169.
The science of chance (2010) by Peter Rowlett, iSquared Magazine 12, pp. 23-27.
What do mathematicians do? (2010) by Peter Rowlett, Off the shelves: The Careers Group Library Blog 23 March.
Shape of the cosmos (2010) by Peter Rowlett, iSquared Magazine 11, pp. 23-27.
Ciphers through the ages (2009) by Peter Rowlett, iSquared Magazine 10, pp. 24-27.
In addition:
Rob Eastaway, speaking on the Talking Maths in Public Podcast (1 December 2024) said "New Scientist has become a fantastic focal point for recreational maths. There's now the weekly puzzle and the monthly maths of everyday life column from Peter Rowlett and Katie Steckles. So that is brilliant news, because we've been missing that since Martin Gardner stopped doing things for Scientific American."
Alex Bellos's Monday puzzle 'Can you solve it? Tiler swift' (The Guardian, 29th April 2024): "Today’s puzzle was devised by maths outreach legends Katie Steckles and Peter Rowlett".
Colin Wright, in a letter to New Scientist (1 July 2023, p. 26), commented on my article 'Pack it up, pack it in' about packing algorithms. He said "it is great to see 'maths in real life' like this that connects the subject with people's own experiences. ... More of this, please. If people can see maths is relevant, but with deeper and wider implications, it can only be a good thing".
I am mentioned in an item 'School Holiday Fun' in the MathsWorldUK Newsletter (no. 10, June 2023): "Special thanks are given to our mathematician friends Kevin Houston from the University of Leeds and Peter Rowlett from Sheffield Hallam University, who came along during half term to support our activities and help visitors with the games. Peter also set up an additional table with games that featured a clever twist on the classics like Noughts and Crosses and a collection of physical puzzles for logical thinking."
Colin Beveridge writes in 'How to reboot your interest in maths' (The Observer, 7 August 2022), that "one good way to rekindle your interest in a subject is to listen to people talking enthusiastically about it. Among many excellent maths podcasts, Katie Steckles and Peter Rowlett’s Mathematical Objects stands out as accessible and engaging."
Katie Steckles and I are interviewed in an article 'Podcasting Mathematics' by Tom Edgar in Math Horizons 29(4), pp. 24-28 (2022).
I am quoted reviewing MathsCity Leeds in MathsWorldUK Newsletter no. 8, November 2021.
'New ways with old numbers' by Tim Harford (Financial Times, 24 September 2011) discusses my work on the unplanned impact of mathematics.