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Using an audience response system - what do the audience DO with the feedback?

BSRLM Conference June 2010, University of Nottingham (19/06/2010). With Sally Barton.

With Sally Barton.

This is work in progress looking at how to assess the assessments. The first year cohort of undergraduate mathematics students at Nottingham has experienced a range of assessment types in this academic year. They have been assessed using formative and summative coursework, in class tests and computer-based tests, and formative use of audience response systems.
The use of an audience response system was new to them and the opportunity was taken to seek their views of their behaviour during the response system classes and afterwards. We also asked their view of the effect of the other assessment methods on various aspects of their learning experience. Views were sought on how the behaviour of students was affected by taking these assessment types, particularly in relation to reading notes, keeping up-to-date with lecture material and encouraging students to seek support when needed.
In this session we will present our initial findings of what kind of student behaviour seems to be encouraged by which type of assessment and thoughts as to how we might use that information.
In particular in relation to the electronic system we looked at how students approach answering questions, what they do after answering a question correctly or incorrectly, and how that behaviour changed according to whether or not they had guessed their answer.