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Undergraduates speak out: organising an undergraduate conference

Inspiring Teachers: learning and leading in academic practice, University of Greenwich (03/07/2012). With Noel-Ann Bradshaw.

With Noel-Ann Bradshaw. Abstract:
This case-study session will detail how the mathematics department at Greenwich hosted the first ever Mathematics Undergraduate Conference - Tomorrow's Mathematicians Today (TMT) in February 2010 with support from Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA). This work has been published in issue 4 of the University's Teaching and Learning Journal: Compass. The conference was attended by over 100 undergraduates from over 20 institutions, with 30 student speakers from universities as far-flung as Aberdeen and Exeter and as different as Oxford and London Met.
The aim of this session is to encourage participants from a wide variety of disciplines to use the model presented to develop and instigate other subject-specific undergraduate conferences. Speaking at and attending conferences like this help students develop key graduate attributes such as:

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