Research talks
Undergraduates speak out: organising an undergraduate conference
Inspiring Teachers: learning and leading in academic practice, University of Greenwich (03/07/2012). With Noel-Ann Bradshaw.
With Noel-Ann Bradshaw. Abstract:
This case-study session will detail how the mathematics department at Greenwich hosted the first ever Mathematics Undergraduate Conference - Tomorrow's Mathematicians Today (TMT) in February 2010 with support from Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA). This work has been published in issue 4 of the University's Teaching and Learning Journal: Compass. The conference was attended by over 100 undergraduates from over 20 institutions, with 30 student speakers from universities as far-flung as Aberdeen and Exeter and as different as Oxford and London Met.
The aim of this session is to encourage participants from a wide variety of disciplines to use the model presented to develop and instigate other subject-specific undergraduate conferences. Speaking at and attending conferences like this help students develop key graduate attributes such as:
Being able to think independently, analytically and creatively, and engage imaginatively with new areas of investigation.
Obtaining knowledge of the process of research and the meaning of scholarship
Becoming fluent and articulate in oral communication, in ways that are tailored to different audiences.
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