Research talks
Better prepared mathematics graduates: learning from employers and professional bodies
HE STEM Conference 2012, University of Birmingham (06/09/2012).
Symposium with Edmund Chadwick and Tony Mann (presenters) and Noel-Ann Bradshaw, Kevin Parrott and Nadarajah Ramesh (contributors not present).
Better prepared mathematics graduates: learning from employers and professional bodies, Peter Rowlett
Assessing student teams developing mathematical models applied to business and industrial mathematics, Edmund Chadwick
Making Maths Graduates More Employable: an enhanced role for tutors, Tony Mann
How realistic is work-related learning, and how realistic should it be?, Edmund Chadwick
Being a Professional Mathematician, Tony Mann
Discussion, led by Peter Rowlett.
Mathematics graduates are often viewed by employers as well-equipped with
technical skills but weaker on skills such as communication and teamwork.
Academics are not necessarily well placed to draw upon recent workplace
experience to help with this. This symposium will provide input and discussion
from various National HE STEM Programme projects which looked to those
outside academia to develop approaches to improve graduate skills and
employment expectations among students and to develop the ability of staff to
deliver this in future.
A new module at Salford incorporated employer-delivered content and
involved employers in assessment of student work. A project at Greenwich
delivered workshops to improve graduate outcomes for students from Black,
Asian and Minority Ethnic communities. A collaborative working group from
the universities of Salford, Greenwich, UCLAN, Sheffield Hallam, NWUA, the
IMA and the OR Society assessed how work-related learning could be made
more realistic within a university context. A collaborative project between
Greenwich and Birmingham spoke to mathematicians employed in academia
and industry, and to professional bodies, to produce resources for developing
awareness among undergraduates of what it means to be a professional
mathematician. Findings will be presented and discussion will draw out
commonalities of the approaches.