Research talks
Good practice and resources to address community priorities for mathematics curriculum development
HE STEM Conference 2012, University of Birmingham (04/09/2012).
The HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit took place at the University of
Birmingham in January 2011. This brought together a wide and representative
cross-section of the HE mathematical sciences community - Heads of
Mathematics or their representatives from 26 universities offering
mathematics degrees (about half of those in England and Wales), Education
representatives from the professional bodies and others - for a day of debate
and discussion about the HE mathematics curriculum and to identify current
sector priorities.
Following the Summit recommendations, work was supported around problem
solving, assessment, graduate prospects and developing industrial problems.
Curriculum content and approaches have been developed and good practice
This session aims to deliver an idea of the priorities identified and the work
that took place to address these, and to share new good practice and
curriculum resources that can be used by delegates to address these priorities
in their own institutions.