Research talks
Acting on recommendations from the HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit
CETL-MSOR Conference 2011 "Preparing for student-led education", Coventry University (05/09/2011). With Tony Croft, Tony Mann and Trevor Hawkes.
With Tony Croft, Tony Mann and Trevor Hawkes. Abstract:
The HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit took place at the University of Birmingham on 12 January 2011, operated by the Maths, Stats and OR (MSOR) Network as part of the Mathematical Sciences HE Curriculum Innovation Project within the National HE STEM Programme. This brought together: Heads of Mathematics or their representatives from 26 universities offering mathematics degrees (about half of those in England and Wales); Education representatives from the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, the Royal Statistical Society, the Operational Research Society and the Council for the Mathematical Sciences; members of the National HE STEM Programme, sigma and the MSOR Network; and several individuals.
The Summit was a day of debate and discussion on issues around teaching, learning and assessment, which culminated in a set of recommendations for priority curriculum development in UK HE mathematical sciences. These recommendations have been taken forward in the Third Call for Funding from the Mathematical Sciences HE Curriculum Innovation Fund. This included project briefs around Problem Solving, Assessment, Industrial Problems, Culture of Being a Mathematician and Views of Graduates on the HE Curriculum.
In this session you can hear about the Summit and its recommendations and hear from some of the project leaders who will be taking these recommendations forward in the 2011/12 academic year, including about how you can get involved and benefit from this work.