Selected publications

Viewing 22 selected publications presented in reverse chronological order.
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  1. Rowlett, P. (2025). Teaching history of mathematics for first year undergraduate skills development. The Mathematical Gazette 109(574), pp. 86-92. ISSN: 0025-5572. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]


  1. Rowlett, P. (2024). Generative AI and accuracy in the history of mathematics. British Journal for the History of Mathematics 39(1), pp. 64-69. ISSN: 2637-5494. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]

  2. Kinnear, G., Jones, I., Sangwin, C., Alarfaj, M., Davies, B., Fearn, S., Foster, C., Heck, A., Henderson, K., Hunt, T., Iannone, P., Kontorovich, I., Larson, N., Lowe, T., Meyer, J.C., O'Shea, A., Rowlett, P., Sikurajapathi, I. and Wong, T. (2024). A Collaboratively-Derived Research Agenda for E-assessment in Undergraduate Mathematics. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education 10(1), pp. 201-231. ISSN: 2198-9745 (print)/2198-9753 (online). [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]

  3. Marshall, E., Riach, A., Shaker, A. and Rowlett, P. (2024). Statistics support and anxiety explored. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications 43(2), pp. 81-106. ISSN: 1471-6976. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]

  4. Rowlett, P.J. (2024). Seating Groups and 'What a Coincidence!': Mathematics in the Making and How It Gets Presented. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics 14(1), pp. 229-238. ISSN: 2159-8118. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]

  5. Rowlett, P. and Corner, A.S. (2024). Flexible, student-centred remote learning for programming skills development. In: K. Seaton, B. Loch and E. Lugosi (eds.). Takeaways from Teaching through a Pandemic: Practical Examples of Lasting Value in Tertiary Mathematics Education. 7. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-032-62747-2. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]


  1. Rowlett, P., Graham, C. and Lawson-Perfect, C. (2023). Demonstration of a partially automated assessment approach to create an individualised, open-ended modelling worksheet. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. ISSN: 0020-739X. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]

  2. Steckles, K. and Rowlett, P. (eds.) (2023). Mathematics Engagement Case Studies. Sheffield, U.K.: Sheffield Hallam University. ISBN: 978-1-84387-442-3. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]


  1. Rowlett, P. (2022). Partially-automated individualized assessment of higher education mathematics. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 53(6), pp. 1413-1434. ISSN: 0020-739X. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]


  1. Rowlett, P. and Corner, A.S. (2021). Topics of interest to the MSOR community: evidence from the first 20 years of MSOR Connections. MSOR Connections 19(2), pp. 55-74. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]


  1. Steckles, K., Rowlett, P. and Ugonna, A. (2020). Pre-university informal engagement with mathematical activities and the decision to study mathematics at university. MSOR Connections 18(3), pp. 10-22. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]

  2. Rowlett, P. (2020). Programming as a mathematical activity. MSOR Connections 18(2), pp. 13-17. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]

  3. Winberg, C., Bramhall, M., Greenfield, D., Johnson, P., Rowlett, P., Lewis, O., Waldock, J. and Wolff, K. (2020). Developing employability in engineering education: a systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Engineering Education 45(2), pp. 165-180. ISSN: 0304-3797. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]


  1. Rowlett, P., Smith, E., Corner, A.S., O'Sullivan, D. and Waldock, J. (2019). The potential of recreational mathematics to support the development of mathematical learning. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 50(7), pp. 972-986. ISSN: 0020-739X. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]

  2. Russell, E. and Rowlett, P. (2019). Professional skills development for mathematics undergraduates. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning 9(3), pp. 374-386. ISSN: 2042-3896. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]

  3. Rowlett, P., Webster, K., Bradshaw, N. and Hind, J. (2019). Evaluation of the Maths Arcade initiative at five U.K. universities. The Mathematics Enthusiast 16(1-3), pp. 451-460. ISSN: 1551-3440. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]


  1. Waldock, J., Rowlett, P., Cornock, C., Robinson, M. and Bartholomew, H. (2017). The role of informal learning spaces in enhancing student engagement with mathematical sciences. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 48(4), pp. 587-602. ISSN: 0020-739X. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]


  1. Rowlett, P. (2015). 'The unplanned impact of mathematics' and its implications for research funding: a discussion-led educational activity. BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics 30(1), pp. 67-74. ISSN: 1749-8430. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]


  1. Rowlett, P.J. (2013). Developing a Healthy Scepticism About Technology in Mathematics Teaching. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics 3(1), pp. 136-149. ISSN: 2159-8118. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]


  1. Rowlett, P. and Rowlett, E. (2012). Experiences of students with visual impairments. In: E. Cliffe and P. Rowlett (eds.). Good Practice on Inclusive Curricula in the Mathematical Sciences. pp. 9-13. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]


  1. Barton, S. and Rowlett, P. (2011). Using an audience response system - what do the audience DO with the feedback? In: D. Green (ed.). Proceedings of CETL-MSOR Conference 2010, Birmingham, 6-7 September 2010. pp. 12-22. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. ISBN: 978-0-9555914-9-5. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]

  2. Rowlett, P. (ed.) (2011). HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]