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Rowlett, P. (2025). Teaching history of mathematics for first year undergraduate skills development. The Mathematical Gazette 109(574), pp. 86-92. ISSN: 0025-5572. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2025). BrainTwister #62 Particular patterns in piles. New Scientist 265(3532), p. 45. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2025). BrainTwister #60 Say what you see. New Scientist 265(3530), p. 45. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. and Ugonna, A. (2025). What is Maths Like at a Lower-tariff University? Mathematics in School 54(1), pp. 10-12. ISSN: 0305-7259. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2025). What day is it anyway? New Scientist 265(3524), p. 45. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2024). BrainTwister #51 Ribbon theory. New Scientist 264(3521/22), p. 77. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2024). Promoting Inclusive Maths Degrees. Mathematics Today 60(6), p. 192. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2024). Form an orderly queue. New Scientist 264(3513), p. 44. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2024). BrainTwister #42 Persistence. New Scientist 264(3513), p. 45. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2024). Celebrating 60 Years of Mathematics Today. Mathematics Today 60(5), p. 132. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2024). How to get Meaningless Answers in Scientific Computation (and what to do about it) by Leslie Fox FIMA. Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2024). Aerodynamic Aspects of Animal Flight by Sir James Lighthill FRS Hon FIMA (IMA President 1964-1966). Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2024). A Classical Cipher Machine: The ENIGMA - Some Aspects of its History and Solution by Robert (Bob) Churchhouse CBE FIMA (IMA President 1986-1987). Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2024). BrainTwister #36 Prime generators. New Scientist 263(3507), p. 45. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2024). Time to rhyme. New Scientist 263(3503), p. 44. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2024). BrainTwister #30 Digital targets. New Scientist 263(3501), p. 45. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2024). Generative AI and accuracy in the history of mathematics. British Journal for the History of Mathematics 39(1), pp. 64-69. ISSN: 2637-5494. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2024). BrainTwister #28 Dice differences. New Scientist 263(3499), p. 45. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2024). BrainTwister #26 Up and down. New Scientist 262(3497), p. 44. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Kinnear, G., Jones, I., Sangwin, C., Alarfaj, M., Davies, B., Fearn, S., Foster, C., Heck, A., Henderson, K., Hunt, T., Iannone, P., Kontorovich, I., Larson, N., Lowe, T., Meyer, J.C., O'Shea, A., Rowlett, P., Sikurajapathi, I. and Wong, T. (2024). A Collaboratively-Derived Research Agenda for E-assessment in Undergraduate Mathematics. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education 10(1), pp. 201-231. ISSN: 2198-9745 (print)/2198-9753 (online). [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Marshall, E., Riach, A., Shaker, A. and Rowlett, P. (2024). Statistics support and anxiety explored. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications 43(2), pp. 81-106. ISSN: 1471-6976. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2024). BrainTwister #22 Even rows. New Scientist 262(3493), p. 45. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2024). What are the chances? New Scientist 262(3493), p. 44. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2024). A371896: a(n) is the length of the uninterrupted sequence of primes generated by the polynomial f(x) = x^2 + x + p for x=0,1,..., where p=A001359(n). OEIS Foundation Inc. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2024). BrainTwister #18 The arithmetical two-step. New Scientist 262(3489), p. 45. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2024). BrainTwister #15 Domino strips. New Scientist 262(3486), p. 45. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2024). BrainTwister #13 Number Venns. New Scientist 261(3484), p. 45. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2024). Hey presto, it's a sum! New Scientist 261(3483), p. 44. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2024). BrainTwister #10 Chairs in pairs. New Scientist 261(3481), p. 45. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2024). BrainTwister #7 Home primes. New Scientist 261(3478), p. 45. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P.J. (2024). Seating Groups and 'What a Coincidence!': Mathematics in the Making and How It Gets Presented. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics 14(1), pp. 229-238. ISSN: 2159-8118. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. and Corner, A.S. (2024). Flexible, student-centred remote learning for programming skills development. In: K. Seaton, B. Loch and E. Lugosi (eds.). Takeaways from Teaching through a Pandemic: Practical Examples of Lasting Value in Tertiary Mathematics Education. 7. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-032-62747-2. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2024). All in the family. New Scientist 261(3473), p. 44. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2023). Grid codes. U3A Mathematics and Statistics 2(24), p. 2. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P., Graham, C. and Lawson-Perfect, C. (2023). Demonstration of a partially automated assessment approach to create an individualised, open-ended modelling worksheet. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. ISSN: 0020-739X. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2023). Puzzle 30. In: R. Eastaway and B. Hobbs (eds.). Headscratchers: The New Scientist Puzzle Book. pp. 39, 144-145. London, U.K.: Allen & Unwin. ISBN: 978-1838958770. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Steckles, K. and Rowlett, P. (eds.) (2023). Mathematics Engagement Case Studies. Sheffield, U.K.: Sheffield Hallam University. ISBN: 978-1-84387-442-3. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Walkden, C., Hazel, A., Chamberlain, G., Steckles, K. and Rowlett, P. (2023). Alan Turing Cryptography Competition. In: K. Steckles and P. Rowlett (eds.). Mathematics Engagement Case Studies. pp. 1-3. Sheffield, U.K.: Sheffield Hallam University. ISBN: 978-1-84387-442-3. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Sparks, B., Chamberlain, G., Steckles, K. and Rowlett, P. (2023). University of Bath Cryptography Challenge. In: K. Steckles and P. Rowlett (eds.). Mathematics Engagement Case Studies. pp. 4-6. Sheffield, U.K.: Sheffield Hallam University. ISBN: 978-1-84387-442-3. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Groves, H., Chamberlain, G., Steckles, K. and Rowlett, P. (2023). UK Mathematics Trust Competitions. In: K. Steckles and P. Rowlett (eds.). Mathematics Engagement Case Studies. pp. 13-14. Sheffield, U.K.: Sheffield Hallam University. ISBN: 978-1-84387-442-3. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Parker, M., Chamberlain, G., Steckles, K. and Rowlett, P. (2023). Writing books. In: K. Steckles and P. Rowlett (eds.). Mathematics Engagement Case Studies. pp. 28-29. Sheffield, U.K.: Sheffield Hallam University. ISBN: 978-1-84387-442-3. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Parker, M., Chamberlain, G., Steckles, K. and Rowlett, P. (2023). Mathematical YouTube videos for the standupmaths channel. In: K. Steckles and P. Rowlett (eds.). Mathematics Engagement Case Studies. pp. 30-31. Sheffield, U.K.: Sheffield Hallam University. ISBN: 978-1-84387-442-3. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Jackson, N., Steckles, K. and Rowlett, P. (2023). Maths Talks at Science Fiction Conventions. In: K. Steckles and P. Rowlett (eds.). Mathematics Engagement Case Studies. pp. 38-39. Sheffield, U.K.: Sheffield Hallam University. ISBN: 978-1-84387-442-3. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2023). Luck of the draw. New Scientist 259(3452), p. 44. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2023). A363166: Bouton numbers: a(n) is the number of P positions in games of Nim with three nonzero heaps each containing at most n sticks. OEIS Foundation Inc. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2023). Pack it up, pack it in. New Scientist 258(3442), p. 44. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2023). David Singmaster. MathsJam Shout March 2023, p. 1. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2023). On-Sets: A Vintage Set Theory Game. Math Horizons 30(4), pp. 8-11. ISSN: 1072-4117. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2023). Puzzle #211 Cross Purposes. New Scientist 257(3428), p. 53. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2023). Puzzle #205 Buried shields. New Scientist 257(3422), p. 53. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2023). Puzzle #204 Think of a number. New Scientist 257(3421), p. 53. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2022). Quarto in higher dimensions. Chalkdust Magazine 16, pp. 28-31. ISSN: 2059-3805. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2022). How to win Nim games and code them in LuaLaTeX. LMS Newsletter 503, pp. 30-34. ISSN: 2516-3841. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2022). Puzzle #186 Neural network. New Scientist 255(3405), p. 53. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2022). Puzzle #178 Hydra. New Scientist 255(3397), p. 53. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Steckles, K. and Rowlett, P. (2022). Mathematical Objects. MathsJam Shout July 2022, p. 1. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2022). Puzzle #173 Knight moves. New Scientist 254(3392), p. 53. ISSN: 0262-4079. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2022). Editorial. Mathematics Today 58(3), pp. 70-71. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2022). Partially-automated individualized assessment of higher education mathematics. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 53(6), pp. 1413-1434. ISSN: 0020-739X. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. and Corner, A.S. (2022). Flexible, student-centred remote learning for programming skills development. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 53(3), pp. 619-626. ISSN: 0020-739X. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2021). Review: How to Prove It: A Structured Approach (3rd Edition). LMS Newsletter 497, pp. 45-46. ISSN: 2516-3841. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. and Corner, A.S. (2021). Topics of interest to the MSOR community: evidence from the first 20 years of MSOR Connections. MSOR Connections 19(2), pp. 55-74. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2020). Puzzle: Grocery Swap. MathsJam Shout October 2020, p. 1. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Steckles, K., Rowlett, P. and Ugonna, A. (2020). Pre-university informal engagement with mathematical activities and the decision to study mathematics at university. MSOR Connections 18(3), pp. 10-22. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2020). Programming as a mathematical activity. MSOR Connections 18(2), pp. 13-17. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Winberg, C., Bramhall, M., Greenfield, D., Johnson, P., Rowlett, P., Lewis, O., Waldock, J. and Wolff, K. (2020). Developing employability in engineering education: a systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Engineering Education 45(2), pp. 165-180. ISSN: 0304-3797. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P., Smith, E., Corner, A.S., O'Sullivan, D. and Waldock, J. (2019). The potential of recreational mathematics to support the development of mathematical learning. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 50(7), pp. 972-986. ISSN: 0020-739X. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2019). MSOR Connections Vol. 18 No. 1. sigma Newsletter 18, p. 6. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Russell, E. and Rowlett, P. (2019). Professional skills development for mathematics undergraduates. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning 9(3), pp. 374-386. ISSN: 2042-3896. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2019). Counting caterpillars. Chalkdust Magazine 9, pp. 30-35. ISSN: 2059-3805. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P., Webster, K., Bradshaw, N. and Hind, J. (2019). Evaluation of the Maths Arcade initiative at five U.K. universities. The Mathematics Enthusiast 16(1-3), pp. 451-460. ISSN: 1551-3440. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2018). New issue of MSOR Connections published. sigma Newsletter 16, p. 10. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2018). Do you have a favourite resource you wish more people knew about? sigma Newsletter 16, p. 8. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2018). Jeff Waldock retirement. sigma Newsletter 16, p. 5. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2018). Review a legacy resource: Industrial Problem Solving for Higher Education. MSOR Connections 16(3), pp. 58-59. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2018). Review a legacy resource: a new feature in MSOR Connections to aid discovery of hidden gems. MSOR Connections 16(3), pp. 55-57. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. and Waldock, J. (2018). Employability development for HE mathematics and statistics. sigma Newsletter 15, p. 19. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Capes, A. and Rowlett, P. (2018). Essential Concepts for the First Year of Study for BSc Mathematics. MSOR Connections 16(2), pp. 16-23. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2017). Broadening Students' Experience of Maths in Practice. Mathematics Today 53(6), p. 256. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2017). Game information sheets: a student-produced resource to help you run a Maths Arcade. MSOR Connections 16(1), pp. 64-67. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2017). Setting open-ended work to develop confidence. In: P. Rowlett and J. Waldock (eds.). Employability development for HE mathematics and statistics: case studies of successful practice. pp. 46-47. Sheffield, U.K.: Sheffield Hallam University (on behalf of the sigma Network for Excellence in Mathematics and Statistics Support). [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2017). Recording small group interaction to encourage reflection on group work. In: P. Rowlett and J. Waldock (eds.). Employability development for HE mathematics and statistics: case studies of successful practice. pp. 42-43. Sheffield, U.K.: Sheffield Hallam University (on behalf of the sigma Network for Excellence in Mathematics and Statistics Support). [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. and Waldock, J. (eds.) (2017). Employability development for HE mathematics and statistics: case studies of successful practice. Sheffield, U.K.: Sheffield Hallam University (on behalf of the sigma Network for Excellence in Mathematics and Statistics Support). ISBN: 978-1-84387-414-0. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Waldock, J., Rowlett, P., Cornock, C., Robinson, M. and Bartholomew, H. (2017). The role of informal learning spaces in enhancing student engagement with mathematical sciences. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 48(4), pp. 587-602. ISSN: 0020-739X. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. and Russell, E. (2016). Realism and employer engagement in a work-related mathematics group project. In: D. Green (ed.). Proceedings of the CETL-MSOR Conference 2015, University of Greenwich, 8th-9th September 2015. pp. 89-93. Loughborough, U.K.: The sigma Network. ISBN: 978-1-911217-04-6. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2016). Maths Jam Conference 2015. MSOR Connections 14(2), pp. 37-38. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2015). Effective Outreach in Mathematics. Mathematics Today 51(6), p. 260. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2015). New Issue of Revived MSOR Connections Published. Mathematics Today 51(6), p. 257. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2015). Developing Strategic and Mathematical Thinking via Game Play: Programming to Investigate a Risky Strategy for Quarto. The Mathematics Enthusiast 12(1-3), pp. 55-61. ISSN: 1551-3440. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2015). 'The unplanned impact of mathematics' and its implications for research funding: a discussion-led educational activity. BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics 30(1), pp. 67-74. ISSN: 1749-8430. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2014). Improved two-way feedback to ease transition to mathematics at university. In: S. Lawther, E. Foster and D. Nutt (eds.). Proceedings of The European First Year Experience Conference, Nottingham Trent University, 9th-11th June 2014. pp. 95-102. Nottingham, U.K.: Nottingham Trent University. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2014). Brass for Brain: Lord Kelvin and tide prediction, University of Nottingham, 19 Mar 2014. BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics 29(3), pp. 211-213. ISSN: 1749-8430. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P., South, A. and Sumner, R. (2014). Engaging mathematics students via e-assessment and screen annotation. In: Proceedings of Annual Learning and Teaching Conference "Teaching Differently", Nottingham Trent University, 1 April 2014. pp. 20-21. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2014). Development and evaluation of a partially-automated approach to the assessment of undergraduate mathematics. In: S. Pope (ed.). Proceedings of the 8th British Congress of Mathematics Education. pp. 295-302. ISSN: 1463-6840. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2013). A Modification of Bradshaw's Method of Group Allocation When You Do Not Know the Students. MSOR Connections 13(2), pp. 43-50. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2013). Assessing individual work alongside a group project - a partially-automated approach. In: Proceedings of Annual Learning and Teaching Conference "Student Transitions", Nottingham Trent University, 26 March 2013. pp. 32-33. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2013). Green's mathematical application to electricity, and beyond. Mathematics Today 49(4), p. 162. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P.J. (2013). A Partially-automated Approach to the Assessment of Mathematics in Higher Education. PhD thesis, Nottingham Trent University. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Webster, K. and Rowlett, P. (2013). A Maths Arcade at Nottingham Trent University. Mathematics Today 49(3), p. 120. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2013). Stories of the Unplanned Impact of Mathematics. Mathematics Today 49(2), p. 61. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P.J. (2013). Developing a Healthy Scepticism About Technology in Mathematics Teaching. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics 3(1), pp. 136-149. ISSN: 2159-8118. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2012). Student-centred approaches to supporting students in their learning. In: P. Rowlett and D. Waller (eds.). Proceedings of the CETL-MSOR Conference 2012, University of Sheffield, 12th-13th July. pp. 59-60. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. ISBN: 978-0-9569171-6-4. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2012). Developing graduate skills and engaging with employers. In: P. Rowlett and D. Waller (eds.). Proceedings of the CETL-MSOR Conference 2012, University of Sheffield, 12th-13th July. pp. 53-54. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. ISBN: 978-0-9569171-6-4. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2012). The HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit and its outcomes. In: P. Rowlett and D. Waller (eds.). Proceedings of the CETL-MSOR Conference 2012, University of Sheffield, 12th-13th July. pp. 32-33. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. ISBN: 978-0-9569171-6-4. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2012). Good practice and resources for mathematics curriculum development. In: P. Rowlett and D. Waller (eds.). Proceedings of the CETL-MSOR Conference 2012, University of Sheffield, 12th-13th July. pp. 29-31. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. ISBN: 978-0-9569171-6-4. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. and Waller, D. (eds.) (2012). Proceedings of the CETL-MSOR Conference 2012, University of Sheffield, 12th-13th Jul. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. ISBN: 978-0-9569171-6-4. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P., McCartney, M., Mann, T., Hoare, G., Harriss, E., Parrondo, J., Bradshaw, N., Collins, J. and Linton, C. (2012). The Unplanned Impact of Mathematics. In: M. Pitici (ed.). The Best Writing on Mathematics 2012. pp. 21-29. Princeton, N.J., U.S.A.: Princeton University Press. ISBN: 978-0-691-15655-2. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2012). Developing Graduate Mathematicians. Mathematics Today 48(5), pp. 213-215. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2012). Early career Connections with MSOR. MSOR Connections 12(2), pp. 17-19. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2012). Mathematical Sciences HE Curriculum Innovation Project: Final Update. MSOR Connections 12(2), p. 56. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2012). HE Curriculum Innovation Project: Final Update. LMS Newsletter 417, pp. 21-22. ISSN: 2516-3841. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P., Steckles, K., Loch, B., Szetey, K. and Kelly, A. (2012). Maths Jam: playing with maths in pubs, an international movement. Australian Mathematical Society Gazette 39(3), pp. 115-118. ISSN: 0311-0729. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2012). Resources from the Mathematical Sciences HE Curriculum Innovation Project. Inside O.R. 500, p. 11. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (ed.) (2012). Summary of work in mathematical sciences HE curriculum innovation. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Shukie, A. and Rowlett, P. (2012). Learning from video and making lectures interactive. In: P. Rowlett (ed.). Media Enhanced Teaching and Learning: case studies and evidence of effective use. pp. 36-39. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2012). Lecture capture technology - technically possible, but can it be used effectively? In: P. Rowlett (ed.). Media Enhanced Teaching and Learning: case studies and evidence of effective use. pp. 32-35. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Feinstein, J. and Rowlett, P. (2012). Recording mathematics lectures at Nottingham. In: P. Rowlett (ed.). Media Enhanced Teaching and Learning: case studies and evidence of effective use. pp. 13-14. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (ed.) (2012). Media Enhanced Teaching and Learning: case studies and evidence of effective use. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2012). Using Social Media to Engage Students. In: C. Robinson (ed.). Student-centred Approaches in Mathematics. pp. 49-54. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Cliffe, E. and Rowlett, P. (2012). Good Practice on Inclusive Curricula in the Mathematical Sciences. In: C. Robinson (ed.). Student-centred Approaches in Mathematics. p. 33. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Chadwick, E., Waldock, J., Bradshaw, N., Orpin, L., McNulty, D., Singh, M., Haydock, T., Ellis, C., Rowlett, P. and Steele, N. (2012). How realistic is work-related learning, and how realistic should it be? In: J. Waldock and P. Rowlett (eds.). Employer Engagement in Undergraduate Mathematics. pp. 47-51. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Waldock, J. and Rowlett, P. (eds.) (2012). Employer Engagement in Undergraduate Mathematics. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Bradshaw, N. and Rowlett, P. (eds.) (2012). Maths Arcade: stretching and supporting mathematical thinking. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (ed.) (2012). Further Work Developing Graduate Skills in HE Mathematics Programmes. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2012). Early Career Mathematicians' Conference Autumn 2012. Mathematics Today 48(4), p. 191. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2012). Resources for the HE curriculum. RSS News 40(4), p. 8. ISSN: 1351-0657. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2012). HE Curriculum Innovation: Supporting Sector Priorities and Fostering New Ideas. LMS Newsletter 415, pp. 14-15. ISSN: 2516-3841. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2012). HE Curriculum Innovation: Supporting Sector Priorities and Fostering New Ideas. Mathematics Today 48(3), p. 118. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Evans, S. and Rowlett, P. (2012). A Brief Update on ECMG Activities. Mathematics Today 48(3), p. 122. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2012). Major work arising from the HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit. HESTEMnews Spring/Summer 2012, p. 9. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2012). Maths Arcade uptake programme. HESTEMnews Spring/Summer 2012, p. 11. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2012). Engineering students' understanding of mathematics. HESTEMnews Spring/Summer 2012, p. 7. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2012). HE Curriculum Innovation Project: Final few months. LMS Newsletter 414, pp. 15-16. ISSN: 2516-3841. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2012). HE Curriculum Innovation Project: Final few months. Mathematics Today 48(2), p. 68. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Croucher, M., Rowlett, P. and Lewis, H. (2012). Smartphone apps for mathematics. Mathematics Teaching 227, pp. 36-37. ISSN: 0025-5785. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Cliffe, E. and Rowlett, P. (eds.) (2012). Good Practice on Inclusive Curricula in the Mathematical Sciences. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. and Rowlett, E. (2012). Experiences of students with visual impairments. In: E. Cliffe and P. Rowlett (eds.). Good Practice on Inclusive Curricula in the Mathematical Sciences. pp. 9-13. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2012). Mathematical Sciences HE Curriculum Innovation Project Update. MSOR Connections 12(1), p. 48. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2012). Special issue of Maths, Stats and OR Network newsletter. HESTEMnews Winter 2012, p. 31. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2011). The Mathematical Sciences HE Curriculum Innovation Project. In: Peer Assisted Learning: in and beyond the classroom Briefing Document 2. p. 6. Bournemouth, U.K.: Bournemouth University. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2011). Maths ambassador video competition. MSOR Connections 11(3), p. 53. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2011). Lecture capture technology - technically possible, but can it be used effectively? MSOR Connections 11(3), pp. 39-41. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Feinstein, J. and Rowlett, P. (2011). Media Enhanced Teaching and Learning. MSOR Connections 11(3), pp. 37-38. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2011). Views of HE curriculum from 'Young Researchers in Mathematics'. MSOR Connections 11(3), pp. 20-21. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2011). Acting on recommendations from the HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit. MSOR Connections 11(3), pp. 4-7. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Evans, S. and Rowlett, P. (2011). ECM Conference Report. Mathematics Today 47(5), p. 229. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2011). A Year with the National HE STEM Programme. Mathematics Today 47(4), p. 177. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2011). Mathematical Sciences HE Curriculum Innovation Project Update. MSOR Connections 11(2), p. 47. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P., McCartney, M., Mann, T., Hoare, G., Harriss, E., Parrondo, J., Bradshaw, N., Collins, J. and Linton, C. (2011). The unplanned impact of mathematics. Nature 475, pp. 166-169. ISSN: 0028-0836. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Barton, S. and Rowlett, P. (2011). Using an audience response system - what do the audience DO with the feedback? In: D. Green (ed.). Proceedings of CETL-MSOR Conference 2010, Birmingham, 6-7 September 2010. pp. 12-22. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. ISBN: 978-0-9555914-9-5. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2011). Mathematics lecturers' views of the advantages and disadvantages of electronic and traditional assessment. In: Proceedings of Annual Learning and Teaching Conference "Learning and Technology", Nottingham Trent University, 30 March 2011. pp. 19-20. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2011). IMA Virtual Branch Talk. Mathematics Today 47(3), p. 124. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (ed.) (2011). HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2011). Using Art Gallery Problems to develop mathematical and employability skills in a higher education group project. In: J. Waldock (ed.). Developing Graduate Skills in HE Mathematics Programmes - Case Studies of Successful Practice. pp. 30-31. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2011). Mathematical Sciences HE Curriculum Innovation Project Update. MSOR Connections 11(1), p. 51. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2011). Mathematics HE Summit. Mathematics Today 47(2), p. 80. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2011). Upcoming workshops in Mathematical Sciences HE Curriculum Innovation. Mathematics Today 47(2), p. 81. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2011). Mathematics HE Summit. RSS News 39(2), p. 8. ISSN: 1351-0657. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2011). Mathematical Sciences HE Curriculum Innovation: Upcoming workshops. LMS Newsletter 402, p. 16. ISSN: 2516-3841. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2011). Mathematics HE Summit Report. LMS Newsletter 401, p. 9. ISSN: 2516-3841. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2011). Mathematics HE Summit - January 2011. Inside O.R. 483, p. 9. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Waldock, J. and Rowlett, P. (2011). Embedding graduate skills in mathematics programmes. AGCAS Phoenix 132, p. 28. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2010). Introducing the Mathematical Sciences HE Curriculum Innovation Project. MSOR Connections 10(3), p. 51. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2010). IMA Small Grant Report: E-Learning in Mathematical Subjects. Mathematics Today 46(6), pp. 287-288. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2010). Curriculum Innovation. HE STEM Newsletter Autumn 2010, p. 8. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2010). The science of chance. iSquared Magazine 12, pp. 23-27. ISSN: 1755-7275. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2010). Guarding art galleries: design and evaluation of an undergraduate research based group project in mathematics. In: Proceedings of Annual Learning and Teaching Conference "Developing students as scholars", Nottingham Trent University, 29 March 2010. pp. 12-14. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2010). Now this is not the end. Mathematics Today 46(4), p. 184. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2010). Where do I go from here? Mathematics Today 46(3), p. 137. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2010). Workshop report...Visual impairment in maths, stats and operational research (MSOR). MSOR Connections 10(2), pp. 45-48. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2010). Podcast at sixty. Mathematics Today 46(2), p. 73. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2010). What do mathematicians do? In: Off the shelves: The Careers Group Library Blog. 23 March. University of London. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2010). Shape of the cosmos. iSquared Magazine 11, pp. 23-27. ISSN: 1755-7275. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2010). Ask the audience (yes, all of them). MSOR Connections 10(1), pp. 3-5. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2010). 10 'rules' for a successful Careers Fair for mathematicians. Mathematics Today 46(1), pp. 19-20. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2009). Ciphers through the ages. iSquared Magazine 10, pp. 24-27. ISSN: 1755-7275. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2009). Improving graduate skills through an undergraduate conference. Mathematics Today 45(6), pp. 263-264. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, E.J. and Rowlett, P.J. (2009). Visual impairment in MSOR. MSOR Connections 9(4), pp. 43-46. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2009). Keeping in touch. Mathematics Today 45(5), p. 214. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2009). Enthusiastic individuals and persistent institutions. Mathematics Today 45(4), pp. 153-154. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2009). Review: Venn That Tune. LMS Newsletter 382, pp. 32-33. ISSN: 2516-3841. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2009). Careers resources. Mathematics Today 45(3), pp. 108-109. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2009). Graduate Recruitment Scheme. Mathematics Today 45(2), pp. 62-64. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P.J. (2009). Recent ELMS videos available online. Mathematics Today 45(1), p. 11. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P.J. (2009). Recent ELMS videos available online. MSOR Connections 9(2), pp. 29-30. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2009). IMA Prize Winners. Mathematics Today 45(1), pp. 17-18. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2008). The right lever to move the world. Mathematics Today 44(6), pp. 246-247. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, E.J., Rowlett, P.J. and Surowiec, R. (2008). AccessMSOR: report on inaugural meeting. MSOR Connections 8(4), p. 42. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2008). University Liaison Officer's Report. Mathematics Today 44(5), p. 194. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2008). University Liaison Officer's Report. Mathematics Today 44(4), pp. 153-154. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2008). University Liaison Officer's Report. Mathematics Today 44(3), pp. 115-116. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2008). University Liaison Officer's Report. Mathematics Today 44(2), pp. 64-65. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P.J. (2008). A quick and easy (rough and ready) method for online video. MSOR Connections 8(2), pp. 44-45. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P.J. (2008). Some approaches to mathematical blogging. MSOR Connections 8(1), pp. 31-33. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P.J. (2007). Recent ELMS talks - Summer 2007. MSOR Connections 7(4), p. 43. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P.J. (2007). Recent ELMS talks - Summer 2007. Mathematics Today 43(5), p. 164. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P.J. (2007). E-Learning in Mathematical Subjects. Mathematics Today 43(3), p. 85. ISSN: 1361-2042. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P.J. (2007). Recent ELMS talks - Spring 2007. MSOR Connections 7(2), pp. 49-50. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P.J. (2007). A simple example of dynamic graphics. MSOR Connections 7(1), pp. 35-37. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Wright, E.J. and Rowlett, P.J. (2006). Introducing the Supporting Students with Disabilities Series: Disability Legislation Update. MSOR Connections 6(4), pp. 24-26. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P.J. (2006). Glossary of some XML formats. MSOR Connections 6(3), pp. 23-25. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P.J. (2006). The W3C MathML software list. MSOR Connections 6(2), p. 30. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P.J. (2006). What is MathML? MSOR Connections 6(1), pp. 18-19. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P.J. and Wright, E.J. (2005). Creating Accessible Web Forms. MSOR Connections 5(4), pp. 21-24. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P.J. (2005). MathML / XML Series: An introduction. MSOR Connections 5(4), pp. 25-26. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P.J. (2005). Mathematics Teaching & Learning and XML. MSOR Connections 5(1), pp. 35-38. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P.J. (2004). Pseudo-randomised CAA by "preprocessing" MathML. Maths CAA Series September. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P.J. (2004). Asking Questions With MathML: dynamic treatment of XML and pseudo-randomised mathematics assessment. MSc dissertation, Nottingham Trent University. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2004). MathPlayer and the Design Science Mathematics Accessibility Project. MSOR Connections 4(2), p. 5. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Hibberd, S., Litton, C., Chambers, C. and Rowlett, P. (2004). Embedding CAA Support for Mathematics in a Web-based Learning Environment. Maths CAA Series April. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Hibberd, S., Litton, C. and Rowlett, P. (2004). MELEES - Managing Mayhem? In: S. Hibberd and L. Mustoe (eds.). The Mathematical Education of Engineers IV, Loughborough University, 2-3 April 2003. Essex, U.K.: . The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Rowlett, P. (2003). MathML: the current state of play. Maths Stats and OR Network. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]
Hibberd, S., Litton, C., Chambers, C. and Rowlett, P. (2003). MELEES - e-support or mayhem? MSOR Connections 3(3), pp. 29-34. ISSN: 2051-4220. [BibTeX, ActivityPub:]