All talks

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All 294 talks presented in reverse chronological order.

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  1. 'George Green and Learning Maths in 19th Century Nottingham' Talk, 'Mathematical Modelling' and 'Cryptography' Workshops, Year 12/13, Hucknall Sixth Form Centre, Hucknall, Nottingham, for Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity (10/02/2025).


  1. Mathematics: Broader Horizons, Year 12 visit day, Sheffield Hallam University (19/12/2024). With Angharad Ugonna.

  2. 'Careers in Maths' Talk and 'Cryptography' Workshop (Y12/13), UTC Olympic Legacy Park, Sheffield (17/12/2024).

  3. Mathematics: Broader Horizons, Year 12 visit day, Sheffield Hallam University (15/11/2024). With Angharad Ugonna.

  4. 9999713179999 is prime, MathsJam Conference 2024 (02/11/2024).

  5. George Green: miller and mathematical physicist, Physics and Maths Lunchtime Lecture Series, Sheffield Hallam University (08/10/2024).

  6. Can maths help save the world?, The mathematics that explains our world, New Scientist, London (28/09/2024).

  7. Recreational mathematics in education, Recreational Mathematics and its History: In memory of David Singmaster, British Society for the History of Mathematics, London (21/09/2024).

  8. Understanding student satisfaction and graduate outcomes in undergraduate maths degrees from analysis of public data, CETL-MSOR Conference 2024, University of Limerick (29/08/2024). With Keith Harris (speaker) and Daniel Kitson.

  9. 'Mathematical Modelling' Workshop (Year 12) and 'George Green and Learning Maths in 19th Century Nottingham' (Years 7-9), Toot Hill School, Bingham, Nottinghamshire (09/07/2024).

  10. 'Careers in Maths' Talk and 'Cryptography' Workshop, Year 12, Leeds Mathematics School, Leeds (08/07/2024).

  11. 'Mathematics and Literature' Workshop, Year 10 Taking Maths Further event, Advanced Maths Support Programme (04/07/2024).

  12. 'Careers in Maths' Talk and 'Mathematical Modelling' Workshop (Year 12) and 'Could You Be A Codebreaker?' Workshop (Year 10), St Mary's Catholic High School, Chesterfield, Derbyshire (03/07/2024). With Angharad Ugonna.

  13. Mathematics: Broader Horizons, Year 12 visit day, Sheffield Hallam University (02/07/2024). With Angharad Ugonna.

  14. How does ChatGPT navigate history of maths misconceptions?, Generative AI in the Mathematical Sciences: Examples of current practice, Teaching and Learning Mathematics Online (TALMO) (26/06/2024).

  15. 'Problem solving - What am I being asked to do?' Workshop, Year 7 campus visit (Swanwick Hall School) (26/06/2024).

  16. 'Noughts and Crosses is a boring game' Workshop, Year 12 Moving on with Maths event, Advanced Maths Support Programme (24/06/2024).

  17. 'Careers in Maths' Talk and 'Problem Solving' Workshop, Year 12, Tupton Hall School, Chesterfield, Derbyshire (17/06/2024).

  18. 'Careers in Maths' Talk (Year 12) and 'Could You Be A Codebreaker?' Workshop (Year 10), All Saints Catholic High School, Sheffield (15/05/2024). With Angharad Ugonna.

  19. 'Mathematical Modelling' Workshops, Years 10 and 12, Bramcote College, Nottingham (09/05/2024).

  20. Chair of Graduate Q&A Panel, Year 9 Women in Maths Day, Sheffield Hallam University (08/05/2024).

  21. 'Careers in Maths' Talk and 'Mathematical Modelling' Workshop, Year 12, Bilborough College, Nottingham (30/04/2024).

  22. Maths Puzzles and Games Club, Year 4/5 after school club, Middleton Primary and Nursery School, Nottingham (20/02/2024, 27/02/2024, 12/03/2024, 19/03/2024, 26/03/2024). With Gwilym Jones.

  23. There are 40,320 ways to give this talk, Sheffield Pop Maths Sixth Form Lecture (09/03/2024).

  24. 'Careers in Maths' Talk (Year 11/12), 'Problem Solving' Workshop (Year 11) and 'Playful Puzzles and Games' Workshop (Year 10), South Nottinghamshire Academy, Radcliffe-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, for Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity (05/02/2024).


  1. 'Cryptography' Workshop, Year 13, Derby College, Derby (20/12/2023).

  2. Partially-automated individualized assessment: evaluation and implementation, Manchester Maths Education Seminar, University of Manchester (11/12/2023).

  3. Effective practice in mathematical outreach, UCL/KCL Maths/Stats Education Seminar, King's College London (29/11/2023).

  4. 'Careers in Maths' Talk and 'Mathematical Modelling' Workshop (Year 12/13) and 'Mathematical Modelling' Workshop (Year 11), The Kimberley School, Kimberley, Nottinghamshire (28/11/2023).

  5. Mathematics: Broader Horizons, Year 12/13 visit day, Sheffield Hallam University (23/11/2023). With Angharad Ugonna and Alex Corner.

  6. The maths of simple two-player games, Gathering 4 Gardner Celebration of Mind Virtual Events (21/11/2023).

  7. Mathematics: Broader Horizons, Year 12/13 visit day, Sheffield Hallam University (14/11/2023). With Angharad Ugonna.

  8. Am I related to Henry VIII's Master of the Mint? Are you?, MathsJam Conference 2023 (11/11/2023).

  9. 'Careers in Maths' Talk and 'Mathematical Modelling' Workshop (Year 12/13) and 'Playful Puzzles and Games' Workshop (Year 10), Kirk Hallam Community Academy, Ilkeston, Derbyshire (24/10/2023).

  10. 'Cryptography' Workshop, Year 12/13, Sheffield College, Sheffield (18/10/2023).

  11. 'Careers in Maths' Talk, Year 12/13, Sheffield College, Sheffield (16/10/2023).

  12. 'Careers in Maths' Talk and 'Mathematical Modelling' Workshop, Year 13, Tupton Hall School, Chesterfield, Derbyshire (18/09/2023).

  13. What could a modern, numerate e-assessment system do for SHU?, Learning, Teaching and Assessment Conference 2023, Sheffield Hallam University (13/09/2023).

  14. Teaching modelling for sustainability, CETL-MSOR Conference 2023, Cardiff University (07/09/2023).

  15. 'Careers in Maths' Talk and 'Cryptography' Workshop, Year 12, St Mary's Catholic High School, Chesterfield, Derbyshire (13/07/2023).

  16. Student-centred assessment design, 'Assessment in Mathematics and its Effect on Student Wellbeing' workshop, IMA/RSS/LMS Higher Education Teaching and Learning Series 2023, University of Greenwich (11/07/2023).

  17. e-assessment scoping project, College of Business, Technology and Engineering Green Day: Teaching & Learning and Research & Innovation In Partnership, Sheffield Hallam University (11/07/2023, pre-recorded talk).

  18. 'Careers in Maths' Talk, Year 12, Outwood Academy Newbold, Chesterfield, Derbyshire (10/07/2023).

  19. Creating an individualised, open-ended modelling worksheet through partially-automated assessment, E-Assessment in Mathematical Sciences 2023, Newcastle University (29/06/2023). With Chris Graham and Christian Lawson-Perfect.

  20. Puzzles and Games, MathsCity, Leeds (01/06/2023).

  21. 'Cryptography' Workshop (Year 12) and 'Mathematical Modelling' Workshop (Year 7/8), David Nieper Academy, Alfreton, Derbyshire (22/05/2023). With Keith Harris.

  22. Creating accessible online mathematics and statistics notes, Teaching and Learning Mathematics Online (TALMO) (18/05/2023). Chaired with Jenny Hughes. Presenters Huw Alexander, Alex Best, David Hodge, Lilian Joy, Christian Lawson-Perfect, Josh Lim, Morgiane Richard, Volker Sorge, Jim Tyson, Ben Watson and Cordelia Webb.

  23. 'Mathematical Modelling' Workshops, Year 10 and Year 12, St Joseph's College, Stoke-on-Trent (11/05/2023). With Angharad Ugonna, Alex Shukie and Vijay Teeluck.

  24. Open-ended, messy student projects: developing skills and confidence, 'Project-based and Synoptic Modules' workshop, IMA/RSS/LMS Higher Education Teaching and Learning Series 2023, University of Nottingham (10/05/2023).

  25. 'Maths in Science' and 'Playful Puzzles and Games' Workshops, Year 10, Shirebrook Academy, Shirebrook, Derbyshire (04/05/2023). With Vijay Teeluck.

  26. Mathematics: Broader Horizons, Year 12 visit day, Sheffield Hallam University (26/04/2023). With Angharad Ugonna, Alex Corner and Keith Harris.

  27. 'Careers in Maths' Talk, Year 12, Bramcote College, Nottingham (25/04/2023).

  28. 'Could You Be A Codebreaker?' Workshop, Year 10, Thistley Hough Academy, Stoke-on-Trent (24/04/2023).

  29. 'Careers in Maths' Talk, Year 12, Bilborough College, Nottingham (31/03/2023).

  30. Mathematics Poster Competition, British Science Week 2023.

  31. 'Playful Puzzles and Games' Workshop, British Science Week 2023, Sheffield Hallam University (14/03/2023). With Alex Corner.

  32. ChatGPT and its potential impact on assessments in Maths and Physics, Department of Engineering and Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University (06/02/2023).

  33. The maths of simple two-player games, Physics and Maths Lunchtime Lecture Series, Sheffield Hallam University (31/01/2023).


  1. On-Sets: a vintage game of set theory, MathsJam Conference 2022 (19/11/2022).

  2. Games that you don't realise that you're not playing, 24 Hour Maths Game Show (29/10/2022). With Alex Corner video.

  3. Our world simulated with dice, IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications, Sheffield (04-05/07/2022).

  4. 'Playful Puzzles and Games' Workshop, IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications, Sheffield (04/07/2022). With Alex Corner.

  5. There are 40,320 ways to give this talk, IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications, Sheffield (04/07/2022).

  6. Our world simulated with dice, MathsCity, Leeds (02/06/2022).

  7. Uses of e-assessment and a partially-automated approach, Maths Teaching and Learning Seminar, University of Warwick (28/04/2022).

  8. Mathematics Poster Competition, British Science Week 2022.


  1. What is our community talking about? Evidence from the first 20 years of MSOR Connections, CETL-MSOR Conference 2021, Coventry University (03/09/2021). With Alexander S. Corner.

  2. Maths Engagement Case Studies, Talking Maths in Public (TMiP) 2021 (26/08/21). With Katie Steckles.

  3. Panellist on problem solving skills, 'Celebrating the M in STEM' workshop, BIG Event 2021, BIG STEM Communicators Network (16/07/2021). With Katie Steckles, Sam Durbin, Angharad Ugonna, Paul Shepherd, Peter Rowlett, Sophie Carr, Ben Dornan and Alison Eves.

  4. Teaching and assessing unseen problem-solving when exams are taken online at home, Planning ahead with a bag of new tricks, what does this mean for your mathematics teaching?, Teaching and Learning Mathematics Online (TALMO) (09/06/2021). With Alex Corner.


  1. nimsticks: making games with LaTeX and Lua, MathsJam Conference 2020 (22/11/2020).

  2. Mathematical Objects Roadshow, MathsJam Conference 2020 (21/11/2020). With Katie Steckles.

  3. Teaching introductory programming for mathematics undergraduates online, Teaching and Learning of Mathematical and Statistical Computing Online, Teaching and Learning Mathematics Online (TALMO)/RSS Teaching SIG/RSS Computational Statistics and Machine Learning Section (21/09/2020).

  4. The potential of recreational mathematics to support the development of mathematical learning, Sheffield Hallam University Recreational Maths Research Cluster (29/06/2020).

  5. There are 362,880 ways to give this talk, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications East Midlands Branch, University of Nottingham (30/01/2020).


  1. #tmwyk - mathematical play in education, MathsJam Conference 2019 (30/11/2019).

  2. The potential of recreational mathematics to support the development of mathematical learning, The 12th Southern Hemisphere Delta Conference on the teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics and statistics, Fremantle, Australia (24/11/2019). With Edward Smith, Alexander S. Corner, David O'Sullivan and Jeff Waldock (speaker).

  3. Game Theory & Recreational Mathematics: A module to develop problem-solving skills, Faculty of STA Learning, Teaching and Assessment Conference 2019, Sheffield Hallam University (09/09/2019). With Alex Corner, David O'Sullivan, Edd Smith and Jeff Waldock.

  4. Review of project-based learning practices in university-level engineering, Faculty of STA Learning, Teaching and Assessment Conference 2019, Sheffield Hallam University (09/09/2019). With Nasser Sherkat and Edd Smith.

  5. Game Theory and Recreational Mathematics: A module to develop problem-solving skills, CETL-MSOR Conference 2019, Dublin City University, Ireland (05/09/2019). Alexander Corner (speaker), Peter Rowlett, Edd Smith, David O'Sullivan and Jeff Waldock.

  6. Programming as a mathematical activity, 'Programming in the Undergraduate Mathematics Curriculum' workshop, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Higher Education Teaching and Learning Series 2019, Middlesex University (27/06/2019).

  7. Diversity in the Teaching of Communication and Basic Research Skills, 'Diversifying the Curriculum' workshop, University of Oxford (17/06/2019).

  8. Developing students' mathematical thinking and problem solving abilities, 'Developing an undergraduate mathematics curriculum which is fit for purpose - challenges and opportunities' workshop, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Higher Education Teaching and Learning Series 2019, University of Liverpool (15/05/2019).

  9. The delivery of an interdisciplinary project between mathematics and engineering, 'Moving beyond the examination - alternative approaches to assessment in the Mathematical Sciences and Engineering' workshop, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Higher Education Teaching and Learning Series 2019, Sheffield Hallam University (03/05/2019).

  10. Developing skilled mathematicians, British Mathematical Colloquium 2019, Lancaster University (09/04/2019).


  1. Counting caterpillars, MathsJam Conference 2018 (17/11/2018).

  2. Student-led employability audit leading to undergraduate curriculum change, Faculty of STA Teaching and Learning Conference 2018, Sheffield Hallam University (11/09/2018). With Claire Cornock and Ros Porter.

  3. The contribution of interdisciplinary learning to employability development in maths and engineering, CETL-MSOR Conference 2018, University of Glasgow (06/09/2018). With Alex Crombie.

  4. Games and recreational mathematics and their use in education, CETL-MSOR Conference 2018, University of Glasgow (05/09/2018). With Edd Smith.

  5. New module ideas, Ideas Exchange 2018, Sheffield Hallam University (07/06/2018).

  6. Interdisciplinary group projects involving maths and engineering undergraduates, LMS Education Day 2018: Curriculum for the 21st Century, London (01/05/2018).

  7. Skills development through group projects in mathematics, Sigma Network workshop 'Employability development for HE mathematics and statistics', Sheffield Hallam University (16/02/2018) slides.

  8. Our students' attitudes to programming, Sheffield Hallam University Maths HE Seminar (26/01/2018).


  1. Fermi problems for teaching mathematical modelling, MathsJam Conference 2017 (12/11/2017).

  2. The sigma Network: Promoting Excellence in Mathematics and Statistics Support within Higher Education, Mathematics Education Beyond 16: Pathways and Transitions, University of Birmingham (10/07/2017). With David Bowers, Chetna Patel, Ruth Fairclough, Mark Hodds, Emma Cliffe, Kinga Zaczek, Jeff Waldock, Ellen Marshall, Alun Owen, Cheryl Voake-Jones, Noel-Ann Bradshaw and Rob Wilson.

  3. Student-led employability audit of undergraduate learning, teaching and assessment practice, Learning & Teaching Conference, Sheffield Hallam University (29/06/2017). With Jeff Waldock.

  4. Moving beyond techniques to applying maths in novel modelling scenarios, Broadening students' experience of mathematics in practice workshop, Sheffield Hallam University (26/04/2017). With Hannah Bartholomew.


  1. Mathematical Toddler Toys, MathsJam Conference 2016 (12/11/2016).

  2. Maths Arcade: informal student support that develops logical thinking, Faculty of ACES Learning, Teaching and Assessment Conference 2016, Sheffield Hallam University (16/09/2016). With Claire Cornock.

  3. The role of partially-automated assessment in assessing individual contribution to group projects, E-Assessment in Mathematical Sciences, Newcastle University (13/09/2016) video.

  4. Encouraging HE teacher-practitioner research in a maths department, CETL-MSOR Conference 2016, Loughborough University (06/09/2016).

  5. Student use of an open learning space in mathematics, Learning and Teaching Conference 2016, Sheffield Hallam University (24/06/2016). With Hannah Bartholomew, Claire Cornock, Mike Robinson and Jeff Waldock.

  6. Interdisciplinary problem-solving group activities, Ideas Exchange 2016, Sheffield Hallam University (21/06/2016).

  7. Peer assessment of contribution: what are we assessing?, Sheffield Hallam University Maths HE Seminar (08/02/2016).


  1. Nim-like games, MathsJam Conference 2015 (07/11/2015).

  2. Developing professional skills in mathematics undergraduates: three years of practice, CETL-MSOR Conference 2015, University of Greenwich (08/09/2015). With Ewan Russell.

  3. The unplanned impact of mathematics, Cafe Sci, Nottingham (20/04/2015).

  4. George Green: A Miller's Tale, Clifton Village Residents' Association, Clifton Village Hall, Nottingham (23/03/2015).

  5. Solving It Like A Mathematician, Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity, Broadmarsh Centre, Nottingham (20/03/2015).


  1. George Green's Mathematical Influences, Lakeside Arts Centre, Nottingham (12/11/2014).

  2. Games used at the Maths Arcade, MathsJam Conference 2014 (01/11/2014).

  3. Individualised formative worksheets to encourage small group discussion of method, CETL-MSOR Conference 2014, Cardiff University (09/09/2014).

  4. National Evaluation of the Maths Arcade, CETL-MSOR Conference 2014, Cardiff University (09/09/2014). Kingsley Webster (speaker), Peter Rowlett, Noel-Ann Bradshaw and James Hind.

  5. Chair, From Durer to sudoku: 500 years of recreational maths, British Science Festival 2014 (06/09/2014).

  6. 'Game Theory' Workshop, East Midlands Big Bang 2014, Derby Roundhouse (10/07/2014). With Kingsley Webster.

  7. Solving It Like A Mathematician, East Midlands Big Bang 2014, Derby Roundhouse (10/07/2014). With James Hind, Kingsley Webster, Callum Mulligan and Kathryn Taylor.

  8. Individualised formative assessment to encourage discussion of method rather than copying, College of Arts and Science 3rd Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham Trent University (04/07/2014).

  9. Co-organiser, What has Mathematics done for us?, IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications, Manchester (03/07/2014).

  10. Using puzzles to develop problem-solving skills in undergraduate maths and outreach, Sigma Network workshop 'Using puzzles and games in the teaching of mathematics', King's College, London (26/06/2014).

  11. Using social media to engage undergraduate students, Sigma Network workshop 'Creating and maintaining a social media presence', Liverpool John Moores University (20/06/2014).

  12. Maths Arcade and the first year experience, European First Year Experience Conference 2014 (10/06/2014).

  13. Improved two-way feedback to ease transition to mathematics at university, European First Year Experience Conference 2014 (09/06/2014).

  14. Development and evaluation of a partially-automated approach to the assessment of undergraduate mathematics, paper, 8th British Congress of Mathematics Education (16/04/2014).

  15. The unplanned impact of mathematics and how research is funded: a discussion-led activity, workshop, 8th British Congress of Mathematics Education (16/04/2014).

  16. A Taste of Maths Jam, after-dinner session, 8th British Congress of Mathematics Education (14/04/2014). With Katie Steckles.

  17. Formative e-assessment and screen annotation evaluated via undergraduate projects, departmental seminar, School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, University of Greenwich (03/04/2014).

  18. Engaging mathematics students via e-assessment & screen annotation, Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2014, Nottingham Trent University (01/04/2014).


  1. A brief history of mathematics: 5,000 years from Egypt to Nottingham Trent, Nottingham Trent University Maths Society (06/11/2013).

  2. Ox Blocks probabilities, MathsJam Conference 2013 (03/11/2013).

  3. Quarto games of different sizes, MathsJam Conference 2013 (02/11/2013).

  4. Designing Coincidences, Year 9 Masterclass on probability, Liverpool (05/10/2013).

  5. Design and delivery of a new graduate skills module, CETL-MSOR Conference 2013, Coventry University (10/09/2013).

  6. A PhD project on e-assessment in mathematics: finding my approach, Technology Enhanced Learning & Teaching Research Seminar Series, School of Education, Nottingham Trent University (15/05/2013).

  7. A partially-automated approach to assessment of individual work alongside a group project in mathematics, Higher Education Academy STEM Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2013, University of Birmingham (17/04/2013).

  8. The unplanned impact of mathematics: surprising examples of unexpected applications, British Mathematical Colloquium 2013, History of Mathematics workshop, University of Sheffield (27/03/2013).

  9. Assessing individual work alongside a group project - a partially-automated approach, Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2013, Nottingham Trent University (26/03/2013).

  10. Advantages and disadvantages of e-assessment and a partially-automated approach, College of Arts and Science 2nd Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham Trent University (18/01/2013).


  1. The Unplanned Impact of Mathematics, British Society for the History of Mathematics Christmas meeting, Birmingham (08/12/2012).

  2. Chair, IMA Early Career Mathematicians' Autumn Conference 2012, University of Greenwich (24/11/2012).

  3. Preliminary analysis of a large data set, MathsJam Conference 2012 (17/11/2012).

  4. Solving It Like A Mathematician, STEM Pop Up Shop, Broadmarsh Shopping Centre, Nottingham (26/10/2012).

  5. Better prepared mathematics graduates: learning from employers and professional bodies, HE STEM Conference 2012, University of Birmingham (06/09/2012).

  6. Maths Arcade: developing mathematical thinking, HE STEM Conference 2012, University of Birmingham (04/09/2012).

  7. Good practice and resources to address community priorities for mathematics curriculum development, HE STEM Conference 2012, University of Birmingham (04/09/2012).

  8. An electronic hybrid approach to assessment, Ideas Exchange 2012, University of Sheffield (15/07/2012).

  9. Students setting their own history of mathematics essay titles, Ideas Exchange 2012, University of Sheffield (14/07/2012).

  10. Good practice and resources to address community priorities for mathematics curriculum development, CETL-MSOR Conference 2012, University of Sheffield (12/07/2012).

  11. Making lectures more interactive, Mechanical Engineering and Mathematical Sciences Away Day, Oxford Brookes University (06/07/2012).

  12. Undergraduates speak out: organising an undergraduate conference, Inspiring Teachers: learning and leading in academic practice, University of Greenwich (03/07/2012). With Noel-Ann Bradshaw slides.

  13. Mathematics Enrichment: Maths in the News, MEI Conference, Keele University (29/06/2012).

  14. Solving It Like A Mathematician, East Midlands Big Bang 2012, East Midlands Conference Centre (28/06/2012). With John Read, Kathryn Taylor, Ian Peatfield and Matt Parker.

  15. Work on HE Curriculum Innovation in Mathematical Sciences, Cardiff University (30/05/2012).

  16. Work on HE Curriculum Innovation in Mathematical Sciences, University of Birmingham (25/05/2012).

  17. Work on HE Curriculum Innovation in Mathematical Sciences, London Metropolitan University (17/05/2012).

  18. Work on HE Curriculum Innovation in Mathematical Sciences, Manchester Metropolitan University (10/05/2012).

  19. Recording lectures and learning from recordings, Department of Mathematical Sciences seminar, University of Greenwich (09/05/2012).

  20. Graduate Skills Development, School of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics seminar, University of Hertfordshire (30/04/2012).

  21. Graduate skills and interactive lectures, School of Mathematical Sciences seminar, Queen Mary, University of London (27/04/2012).

  22. The METAL Project - What have we learned and where next?, Media Enhanced Teaching and Learning - Dissemination Meeting, University of Nottingham (24/04/2012).

  23. Introduction to using social media to engage students in mathematical sciences, Using social media to engage students workshop, University of Birmingham (16/04/2012).

  24. Outputs and Outcomes from the Maths Strand Team of the National HE STEM Programme, Heads of Departments of Mathematical Sciences (HoDoMS) Conference (13/04/2012).

  25. Mathematics lecturers' views of e-assessment, School of Maths and Stats seminar, Newcastle University (21/03/2012).

  26. History of cryptography, University of Salford (06/03/2012).

  27. Problem-Solving in Undergraduate Mathematics, Sue Pope, Matthew Badger and Peter Rowlett, BSRLM Conference March 2012, Manchester (03/03/2012).

  28. Solving it like a mathematician: A stall at the East Midlands Big Bang 2011, Notts STEMNET Teacher/Ambassador Network Meeting, British Geological Survey, Keyworth (09/02/2012).

  29. Alternatives to lectures, Media Enhanced Teaching and Learning (METAL) Workshop, University of Nottingham (11/01/2012) slides.


  1. Chair, 15th IMA Early Career Mathematicians Conference, University of Bristol (19/11/2011).

  2. Why the hot light bulb annoys me, MathsJam Conference 2011 (12/11/2011).

  3. Unplanned impact of mathematics, MathsJam Conference 2011 (12/11/2011).

  4. Projects workshop, University of Birmingham (26/10/2011).

  5. Acting on recommendations from the HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit, CETL-MSOR Conference 2011 "Preparing for student-led education", Coventry University (05/09/2011). With Tony Croft, Tony Mann and Trevor Hawkes.

  6. Encouraging innovation in HE mathematics teaching and learning, 14th IMA Early Career Mathematicians Conference, University of Leicester (16/07/2011).

  7. Maths Puzzles, SSAT Annual Maths Conference 2011, University of Warwick (13/07/2011).

  8. Discovering and teaching mathematics, Ideas Exchange, University of Birmingham (10/07/2011).

  9. Solving It Like A Mathematician, East Midlands Big Bang 2011, East Midlands Conference Centre (28/06/2011). With John Read, Kathryn Taylor, Ian Peatfield, Noel France and Alex Corner.

  10. Further uses of screencasting - but are they effective?, Media Enhanced Teaching and Learning (METAL) Workshop, University of Nottingham (25/05/2011).

  11. Group projects based on Art Gallery Problems, 'Developing Graduate Skills in HE Mathematics Programmes' workshop, University of Birmingham (19/05/2011).

  12. Group projects based on Art Gallery Problems, 'Developing Graduate Skills in HE Mathematics Programmes' workshop, University of Greenwich (17/05/2011).

  13. Findings from the HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit, University of Bath (10/05/2011).

  14. Group projects based on Art Gallery Problems, 'Developing Graduate Skills in HE Mathematics Programmes' workshop, University of Bath (10/05/2011).

  15. Findings from the HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit, Manchester Metropolitan University (05/05/2011).

  16. Group projects based on Art Gallery Problems, 'Developing Graduate Skills in HE Mathematics Programmes' workshop, Manchester Metropolitan University (05/05/2011).

  17. A Maths History Tour of Nottingham, History of Maths splinter, British Mathematical Colloquium 2011, University of Leicester (20/04/2011).

  18. Findings from the HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit, University of Birmingham (19/04/2011).

  19. Findings from the HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit, University of York (18/04/2011).

  20. Group projects based on Art Gallery Problems, 'Developing Graduate Skills in HE Mathematics Programmes' workshop, University of York (18/04/2011).

  21. Technology in mathematics HE teaching & learning, Young Researchers in Mathematics Conference 2011, University of Warwick (15/04/2011) video.

  22. Innovation in mathematics HE teaching & learning, Young Researchers in Mathematics Conference 2011, University of Warwick (14/04/2011) video.

  23. Maths Strand of the National HE STEM Programme, Heads of Departments of Mathematical Sciences (HoDoMS) Conference (07/04/2011).

  24. Findings from the HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit, University of Greenwich (04/04/2011).

  25. Findings from the HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit, Cardiff University (31/03/2011).

  26. Mathematics lecturers' views of the advantages and disadvantages of electronic and traditional assessment, Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2011, Nottingham Trent University (30/03/2011).

  27. Chance and Coincidence, Manchester Metropolitan University (23/02/2011).


  1. Using Art Gallery Problems to Develop Mathematical and Employability Skills in a Higher Education Group Project, Embedding Graduate Skills Workshop, Sheffield Hallam University, (24/11/2010).

  2. Mathematical Podcasting, 13th IMA Early Career Mathematicians Conference (20/11/2010).

  3. Integrating software into your lectures, Using IT when teaching mathematics classes workshop, University of Nottingham (19/11/2010).

  4. Bacon, Small-Worlds, and Your Important Friends: Social Network Theory Explained, University of Leicester (19/11/2010). With Samuel Hansen.

  5. Maths and Computing History tour of Nottingham, University of Greenwich (17/11/2010). With Samuel Hansen.

  6. Bacon, Small-Worlds, and Your Important Friends: Social Network Theory Explained, University of Birmingham (15/11/2010). With Samuel Hansen.

  7. A curious fact about almost every integer, MathsJam Conference 2010 (14/11/2010).

  8. Thinking outside of the box, MathsJam Conference 2010 (13/11/2010).

  9. Developing graduates skills in HE mathematics programmes through case studies of successful practice, CETL-MSOR Conference 2010, University of Birmingham (06/09/2010).

  10. Ask the audience - influencing student behaviour, CETL-MSOR Conference 2010, University of Birmingham (06/09/2010). With Sally Barton.

  11. Using an audience response system - what do the audience DO with the feedback?, BSRLM Conference June 2010, University of Nottingham (19/06/2010). With Sally Barton.

  12. Podcasting, How to Talk Maths in Public Conference, IMA, University of Manchester (09/06/2010).

  13. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Surrey (29/04/2010).

  14. Cryptography, University of Derby (21/04/2010).

  15. Podcasting History, The History of Mathematics in the Undergraduate Curriculum, University of Greenwich (30/03/2010).

  16. Guarding Art Galleries: Design and evaluation of an undergraduate research based group project in mathematics, Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2010, Nottingham Trent University (29/03/2010).

  17. Cryptography, Aberystwyth University (19/03/2010).

  18. Shape of the cosmos, University of Nottingham (16/03/2010).

  19. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of York (10/03/2010).

  20. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Leeds (10/03/2010).

  21. Puzzles, schools outreach event, Cardiff University (09/03/2010).

  22. Careers for mathematics graduates, Brunel University (08/03/2010).

  23. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Bristol (03/03/2010).

  24. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of the West of England (03/03/2010).

  25. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Bath (02/03/2010).

  26. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Keele (24/02/2010).

  27. Careers for mathematics graduates, London Met University (23/02/2010).

  28. Careers for mathematics graduates, Swansea University (19/02/2010).

  29. Careers for mathematics graduates, Cardiff University (18/02/2010).

  30. Careers for mathematics graduates, Imperial College London (08/02/2010).

  31. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Oxford (08/02/2010).

  32. Chance and Coincidence, University of Leicester (04/02/2010).

  33. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Nottingham (03/02/2010).


  1. Workshop: Visual impairment in Maths, Stats and OR (MSOR), Chair, Nottingham Trent University (17/12/2009). With Emma Rowlett, Emma Cliffe, Michael Whapples, Eckhard Pfluegel and Alistair Edwards slides.

  2. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Plymouth (09/12/2009).

  3. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Exeter (08/12/2009).

  4. Cryptography, University of Southampton (03/12/2009).

  5. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Portsmouth (03/12/2009).

  6. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Brighton (02/12/2009).

  7. Substitution ciphers: Ancient - Renaissance, University of Nottingham (01/12/2009) video.

  8. Cryptography, Heriot-Watt University (27/11/2009).

  9. Puzzles, University of Edinburgh (26/11/2009).

  10. Cryptography, University of St. Andrews (26/11/2009).

  11. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Glasgow (25/11/2009).

  12. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Strathclyde (25/11/2009).

  13. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Stirling (25/11/2009).

  14. Cryptography, University of Aberdeen (24/11/2009).

  15. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Dundee (23/11/2009).

  16. Cryptography, University of Sheffield (19/11/2009).

  17. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Sheffield (19/11/2009).

  18. Update from IMA University Liaison Officer, 11th Younger Mathematicians Conference (14/11/2009).

  19. Using Art Gallery Problems to teach mathematical and employability skills in a higher education group project, BSRLM Autumn Conference 2009, Loughborough University (14/11/2009).

  20. Puzzles, Northumbria University (12/11/2009).

  21. Spin in Ball Games, University of York (11/11/2009).

  22. Careers for mathematics graduates, Durham University (11/11/2009).

  23. Puzzles, Newcastle University (10/11/2009).

  24. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Kent (04/11/2009).

  25. Puzzles, London School of Economics (02/11/2009).

  26. Careers for mathematics graduates, Manchester Metropolitan University (28/10/2009).

  27. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Bolton (28/10/2009).

  28. Cryptography, Lancaster University (27/10/2009).

  29. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Lancaster (27/10/2009).

  30. Careers for mathematics graduates, Kingston University (21/10/2009).

  31. Puzzles, sixth form lecture, University of Liverpool (15/10/2009).

  32. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Liverpool (15/10/2009).

  33. Careers for mathematics graduates, Liverpool John Moores University (14/10/2009).

  34. Careers for mathematics graduates, Nottingham Trent University (08/10/2009).

  35. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of East Anglia (07/10/2009).

  36. Group projects based on Art Gallery Problems, CETL-MSOR Conference 2009, Open University (08/09/2009).

  37. Experience of Questionmark Perception at Nottingham; Is Maple TA the answer?, CETL-MSOR Conference 2009, Open University (07/09/2009).

  38. Accessing MSOR: Visual impairment hands-on workshop, Workshop convenor, CETL-MSOR Conference 2009, Open University (07/09/2009). With Emma Rowlett, Sidney Tyrrell and Eckhard Pfluegel.

  39. Electronic Voting Systems or Response Systems, Education seminar, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham (09/07/2009).

  40. Maths-Prom "Using New Technologies" Day, Maths Promoters' Network, London Mathematical Society (22/05/2009). With Matt Parker.

  41. Update from IMA University Liaison Officer, 10th Younger Mathematicians Conference (13/05/2009).

  42. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of York (06/05/2009).

  43. Puzzles, University of York (05/05/2009).

  44. Spin in Ball Games, University of Sheffield (29/04/2009).

  45. Spin in Ball Games, Newcastle University (28/04/2009).

  46. Careers for mathematics graduates, London Met University (30/03/2009).

  47. Spin in Ball Games, University of Leicester (05/03/2009).

  48. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Leicester (05/03/2009).

  49. Careers for mathematics graduates, Heriot-Watt University (27/02/2009).

  50. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Edinburgh (27/02/2009).

  51. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Edinburgh (27/02/2009).

  52. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Glasgow (26/02/2009).

  53. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Strathclyde (26/02/2009).

  54. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Aberdeen (25/02/2009).

  55. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of St. Andrews (25/02/2009).

  56. Maths careers and the work of the IMA University Liaison Officer, IMA Scottish Branch, Napier University, Edinburgh (24/02/2009).

  57. Careers for mathematics graduates, Cardiff University (20/02/2009).

  58. Careers for mathematics graduates, Brunel University (19/02/2009).

  59. Spin in Ball Games, University of Greenwich (18/02/2009).

  60. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Bristol (12/02/2009).

  61. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of the West of England (12/02/2009).

  62. Careers for mathematics graduates, University of Greenwich (26/01/2009).


  1. Chalk & Talk and Interactive whiteboards, E-Learning in Mathematical Subjects (ELMS), Nottingham Trent University (16/12/2008) video.

  2. The perils and pleasures of recording podcasts on history of maths for a modern day generation, BSHM "Maths in View", University of Greenwich (15/12/2008). With Noel-Ann Bradshaw.

  3. Cryptography, Newcastle University (25/11/2008).

  4. Careers for mathematics graduates, Nottingham Trent University (09/10/2008).

  5. Experiences of mathematics students with visual impairments in higher education, Higher Education Mathematics Education Conference (HEMEC) 2008, Loughborough University (19/09/2008). With Emma Rowlett.

  6. Visual Impairment in MSOR, CETL-MSOR Conference 2008, Lancaster University (08/09/2008). With Emma Rowlett.